๐ŸŽถ ๐ŸŽถ He's a Were-House ๐ŸŽถ ๐ŸŽถ (to the tune of "Brick House")

One of my players recently tagged me in this picture, more or less daring me to see what I could come up with. There are already other versions of this concept out there (I really like this one). I know that larger versions of Mimics exist and I could convert them to whatever edition of the game we are playing but that would be cheating and doesn't fit the "spirit" of the post. This is what I came up with...

Faizard Skitterbrook the Were-House

CR: 3     Medium Humanoid (Human/Shapechanger)
HD: 3d4    Hp: 8
Init: +1     Spd: 30'
AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10 or
15 (+1 Dex, +4 Mage Armor spell)

Attacks: (BAB+1/Grap +1); +1 Staff: 1d6 (20/x2) or +2 Light Crossbow: 1d8 (19-20/×2, 80')

SA: Arcane Spells (CL3; DC12 + spell level; 4/3/2); Improvised Weapons
SQ: Transformation

Align: CN    Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Str: 11, Dex: 13, Con: 11, Int: 15, Wis: 12, Cha: 12

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common, Draconic, and Elven

Skills: Concentration +6, Control Shape +1, Decipher Script +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Astrology) +5, Knowledge (the Planes) +5, Profession (Astrologer) +4, Spellcraft +10, Use Magic Device +2

Feats: Brew Potion; Dodge (b); Magical Aptitude; Scribe Scroll (b)

Gear: Wizard's Robe, Leather Belt with Spell Component Pouch; Belt Pouch; Quarterstaff, Light Crossbow and case w/ 10 bolts; Spellbook; 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, Leather Coat made from the scales of a blue hatchling dragon (2,000-gp value), Wand of Cat's Grace (CL3, 11 charges remaining), 104 gp

Prepared Spells: 0th: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Read Magic; 1st: Color Spray, Mage Armor, Sleep; 2nd: Locate Object, Melf's Acid Arrow

Knowledge (Astrology) Skill: With a successful skill check, Faizard can do the following:
DC10: Can identify constellations and knows the story behind their naming.
DC15: Can "identify" a person's likely sign based on their personality.
DC20: Can "predict" a person's future in general terms

Spellbook: 0th: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue; 1st: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Sleep, Unseen Servant; 2nd: Locate Object, Melf's Acid Arrow

Improvised Weapons (Ex): Faizard can violently open and close his doors and windows with considerable force, dealing  damage on a successful hit.

Transformation (Su): Faizard once tried to activate a Daerun's Instant Fortress in an area of Wild Magic (although he cheerfully lies and says his hand was slammed in a door as a child). The enchanted item bonded with him. Now, in times of stress, he must make a Control Shape check (DC25) or involuntarily transform into an immobile 20' square x 30' tall tower (as per a Daerun's Instant Fortress) until 8 hours pass. Items worn or carried are absorbed and transform with him. People who enter his tower-form and the objects they bring inside reappear next to him when he changes back into his human shape. While transformed, Faizard is automatically aware of the location of everyone inside of his tower form and can hear and speak with them. He can try to change shape on his own but he must succeed at a DC20 Control Shape check.


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