Tommy Marks - Old West Avenger

After reading the post about the MCU being set in the Old West with Captain America as a US Marshall, Tony as a railroad tycoon and inventor, Black Widow as a Pinkerton Detective and so, I changed the names slightly and started working on this. I maintain no illusions about the world I am running the game in being a pure western since I am including plenty of fantasy, sci-fi, and horror so I am definitely going to be including this character in my Western Campaign.

I spent a good hour searching the internet for images and found this version of Bumblebee from the "Transformers - Hearts of Steel" mini-series. This is more-or-less what I am picturing when I think of this character.

Tommy Marks is a Pennsylvania native who traveled out west to make his fortune. He graduated with honors from Pennsylvania State University with degrees in Business and Engineering. He has made several innovations to railroad technology, particularly in the fields of metallurgy and fuel systems. These innovations formed the basis for his fortune and he has since begun laying his own tracks, starting on Lake Superior's north shore and expanding westward through Minnesota and the Dakota Territory. He is almost always accompanied by Erwin Corvis, his aide-de-camp, his bodyguards Jim Streeter and Joy Logan.

The party is most likely to meet Tommy in towns he is planning on extending his rail line through. He typically prefers to talk or buy his way out of trouble but he will don the Rail Driver Armor to defend settlements from hostile Indians or bandits.

TOMMY MARKS - Railroad Tycoon and Inventor

Spd: 39     Quick, +4 Spd Mod
GAC: 29     Average, +0 Acc Mod
TAC: 39     Above Average, +2 Acc Mod
STR: 42     Above Average, 14 hp
BRA: 43     Above Average, +1 Spd Mod, +3 Acc Mod
EXP: 83     3 Gunfights, +0 Acc Mod

Age: 38
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 185 lbs
Handedness: Right

Wpn               BSP/BAC     Range (S/M/L/E)     RF/RR
2D                     10/53         1/3/6/10                    2/2

• Gatling Gun - covers a 45° angle to each side of its facing with a maximum range of 200. Each person in the swath of fire has a chance of receiving 0 to 3 hits depending on range (see chart pg 15, Boot Hill 1st ed Boxed Set); takes one turn to reload and must be reloaded every four turns of use, 20% chance to jam each turn after first two turns (and takes 6 rounds to unjam)

• 6 lb Cannon - covers a cone-shaped area which is 225' to each side in front of barrel. All potential targets in field of fire must check for wounds depending on range (see chart pg 15, Boot Hill 1st ed Boxed Set), takes 5 turns to reload

• Warhammer - roll 2d6 to hit on Brawling Table but inflicts damage as Wounds

* The Rail Driver Armor subtracts 20 from the wearer's Speed but adds 20 to his Strength. While wearing the armor, all wounds are treated as if they were one category less severe; i.e. Mortal Wounds are Severe, Severe Wounds are Light, and Light Wounds result in no injury. If the armor's Strength is reduced to 0 or less it ceases functioning until repaired.

The armor has a Walking speed of 5 and a Flight speed of 24 with enough fuel for 10 1-round duration flights. It adds 4 to all brawling damage but subtracts 4 from the attack roll. The armor is 17.5' tall and weighs 31 tons when fully loaded. The armor can transform into a small locomotive capable of pulling over 36 tons with a top speed of 25 mph.

d20 version

TOMMY MARKS - Human male Expert 12
CR: 11     Medium Humanoid (Human)
HD: 12d6     Hp: 45
Init: +0     Spd: 30'
AC: 10 (+0 Dex), t: 10, ff: 10 or 16 (+0 Dex, -2 size, +8 Rail Driver Armor), t: 8, ff: 16, -8 ACP
Attacks: (BAB +9/Grap +10; +30 in Rail Driver Armor); +10/+5 Double Derringer: 2d4 (20/×2, 10'; semi) or +19/+14 Slam: 2d6+13 or +19 Stomp: 2d8+18 (Ref DC18 negates) or +19/+14 Huge Warhammer: 3d6+18 (20/×3; used two-handed) or +7/+2 Gatling Gun: 2d10 (20/×2, 100'; autofire) or +7 6-lb Cannon: 2d12 (20/×2, 30'; damage reduced to 2d6 if using grapeshot, roll separate attacks for all targets in 10' square)
SA: - -
SQ: Skill Versatility
Align: LN     Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Str: 12, Dex: 10, Con: 10, Int: 18, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
Skills: Appraise +6 with Mechanical Devices and Firearms; Climb +6; Craft (Firearms) +19; Craft Mechanical) +19; Demolitions +19; Diplomacy +17; Drive +15; Intimidate +7; Jump +6; Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +21; Knowledge (Business) +21; Profession (Mechanical Engineer) +16; Ride +5; Swim +6; Tumble +2
Feats: Educated (Knowledge - Architecture and Engineering and Knowledge - Business) (b); Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Cannon); Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gatling Gun); Personal Firearms Proficiency; Mecha Operation; Mecha Weapon Proficiency
Gear: Double Derringer Pistol, Fine Business Attire, Masterwork Mechanical Tool Set, Rail Driver Armor (see below)
Wealth: Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and Master's Business from Pennsylvania State University; 90% owner of Marble Harbor Railroad

Rail Driver Armor
Size: Huge (-2 size)          Bonus Hp: +200
Superstructure: Iron     Hardness: 10
Armor: Iron                       Bonus to Defense: +8
Armor Penalty: -8             Reach: 10'
Str bonus: +24                 Dex Penalty: -4
Speed: 30, fly 100' (clumsy), 220' (20) as train

Weight Allowance: 4,896 lbs/9,808 lbs/14,720 lbs; max lift: 29,440 lbs; pull 73,600 lbs. (150,000 as train on rails)

11 equipment slots - Cockpit (Helmet/Torso); Life Support (1 slot equivalent); Light Fortification (Back); Strength Boost (Left and Right Arms); 6-lb Cannon (Left Hand); Gatling Gun (Shoulders); Transformation Gear (Belt); Jetpack (Boots); Warhammer (Carried/Right Hand) - the Jetpack has enough fuel for 10 1-round flights; when not in use, the warhammer is magnetically attached to the Rail Driver's left hip; The armor has enough fuel for 30 hours of continuous light operation (walking, driving on tracks with a light/medium load) or 2 hours of heavy exertion (combat, pulling heavy loads)

Skill Versatility (Ex): Experts can choose any 10 Skills as Class Skills. Tommy Marks' chosen Class Skills are: Climb, Craft, Demolitions, Diplomacy, Drive, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Business), Profession, Ride, and Swim.


  1. If something can life 30k lbs you'd expect it to be able to pull at LEAST 10x that. Rolling on steel rails... maybe 50x.


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