
RoboCop is yet another NPC that I am considering introducing into my campaign once the party makes it to Earth. While my version of Detroit may not be quite as dystopian as the version presented in the movies, it will still be a hotbed of criminal activity with Omni Consumer Products (OCP) serving the same role Roxxon Energy Corporation does on Earth-616.

RoboCop (real name: Alex Murphy)

Male Human Cyborg Expert 1/Warrior 6
CR: 9     Medium Humanoid
HD: 1d8+7 plus 5d12+35     Hp: 80

Init: +1     Spd: 30' (can't run)     AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +12 Integrated Heavy Armor), t: 11, ff: 22; -6 ACP

BAB +6/Grap +14; +9 Auto-9 Handgun: 2d6 (20/×2, 40', semi) or +7 Unarmed: 1d4+8 (nonlethal or lethal)
SA: - -
SQ: DR11 vs physical attacks, DR9 vs all non-mental attacks

Align: LG    Saves: Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +5

Str: 26 (+8), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 24 (+7), Int: 11, Wis: 12 (+1), Cha: 10

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common (English)
Skills: Computer Use +4, Diplomacy +3, Drive +11, Gather Information +3, Intimidate +7, Investigate +4, Knowledge (Behavioral Science) +4, Knowledge (Civics) +4, Knowledge (Streetwise) +7, Listen +7, Profession (Policeman) +5, Search +3, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7

Feats: Double Tap (b); Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Grenade Launcher) (b); Point Blank Shot (b); Precise Shot (b); Skip Shot; Vehicle Expert, Weapon Focus (Auto-9 Pistol); Weapon Specialization (Auto-9 Pistol) (b)

Gear: Integrated Heavy Armor (adds +6 Str, +12 AC, and DR5 vs all non-mental attacks); Integrated Visual/Audio Recording and Playback plus Voice Stress Analyzer (+4 equipment bonus to Sense Motive checks); Integrated Targeting System (+2 bonus to ranged attacks, ignores miss chance from Concealment); Terminal Strip (allows RoboCop to to access computer systems, also can be used in place of unarmed attacks), Integrated Infrared Vision; Auto-9 Pistol

• Class Abilities: Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons and All types of Armor and Shields; Skill Versatility (choose any 12 Skills as Class Skills, Expert class skills are: Computer Use, Diplocamy, Drive, Gather Information, Intimidate, Investigate, Knowledge (Behavioral Science) Knowledge (Civics), Knowledge (Streetwise), Listen, Search, and Spot), 4 bonus Warrior feats
• Cybernetic Advantages: Standard Brawn (+10 Str/+2 DR vs. Kinetic attacks, uses Strength or Dexterity, whichever is lower to determine attack bonus); Standard Damage Reduction - overlapping titanium plates laminated with Kevlar provide DR4 vs all non-mental attacks, Standard Meta-Senses (+3 bonus to Listen and Spot checks; included above)

• The Auto-9 Pistol is a highly-advanced select-fire machine pistol with a 50-round magazine. It is holstered in a concealed alcove in RoboCop's thigh, together with at least one reload magazine in storage.


• Machine - does not heal naturally, must be repaired but still possesses a number of organic components, including his brain and other vital organs
• Prime Directives: RoboCop has been programmed with a strict code of behaviors that can be summed up as:
1. Serve the Public Trust
2. Protect the Innocent
3. Uphold the Law
4. Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown - any attempt to violate this Directive requires a Fortitude save (DC25) to avoid being rendered unconscious for 1 minute. Even on a success, he is stunned for 1d10 rounds.


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