Odds and Ends (Part 2)

Mask of the Shadowling

This minor magical item was inspired by the Shadows in the Forest board game. In the game, one player controls a lantern while the rest contol the Shadowlings. The lantern must locate the Shadowlings before they can all make it to a single hiding place. Any Shadowling caught in the light from the lantern becomes frozen amd their mask is removed. When a Shadowling is frozen, they may be unfrozen by another Shadowling.

This white mask grants its wearer invisible and muffles the sound of their footsteps, rendering them silent as well. Exposure to any light brighter than or equal to a lantern draws the wearer into the mask itself and remain there until released by another creature wearing a Mask of the Shadowling.

Moderate Illusion; CL9; Craft Wondrous Item; Control Sound, Greater Invisibility

Control Sound
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Trickery 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal or Touch
Duration: 1 min/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) or Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) or Yes (harmless, object)

You shape and alter existing sounds. You can target one sound, such as a person speaking or singing, or a group of related sounds, such as the patter of many raindrops or the tramp of soldiers passing by. A sound as quiet as a snapping finger can be controlled. You can substitute any sound you have heard for the target sound. If you attempt to exactly duplicate the voice of a specific individual, or an inherently terrifying sound (such as a dragon’s roar), you must succeed on a Bluff check with a +5 circumstance bonus opposed by the intended listener’s Sense Motive check to avoid arousing suspicion.

You can entirely muffle a noise or magnify a sound to such loudness that it drowns out all other conversation in the immediate area. In this way, you can provide yourself or any with a +4 circumstance bonus on Move Silently and Listen checks.

Alternatively, you can use up the power in an instant. You do this by modulating a sound into a one-time destructive impetus that shatters nonmagical/nonpsionic, unattended objects of crystal, glass, ceramics, or porcelain (vials, bottles, flasks, jugs, mirrors, and so forth) in the area.

     Arcane Material Component: A bit of wool and a miniature brass horn

Using the Mask of the Shadowling in your campaign: In addition to its use as a magical item, I started to wonder, just where does the wearer go when drawn into the mask? Is there anything in there? Is there anyone else in there? Perhaps an adventure can take place inside of the Mask as the wearer seeks to find their own way out 

Frostbite Falls is based on, or at least inspired by the real life city of International Falls. I recently found myself traveling to International Falls for work and was eagerly anticipating a visit to the both the Falls and the Rocky and Bullwinkle Museum I was sure must be there.

Spoiler Alert: There is NO museum dedicated to Rocky, Bullwinkle, or any of Jay Ward's creations. (I also didn't get to see any waterfalls).

Frostbite Falls (Thorp):
Conventional; Align: LG; 40 gp limit; Assets: 96 gp; Population: 48 (in 1959)* Isolated (Human 46, Talking Moose 1, Talking Squirrel 1).
     Authority Figures: the Mayor, male Human class/level
     Important Characters: Bullwinkle J. Moose male Western Moose (part owner-part governor of Moosylvania, adventurer);  Rocket "Rocky" J. Squirrel, male Flying Squirrel (adventurer)**

* An annual population growth of a 5% average would increase the population to 609 by 2012. This would make it a village with a 200 gp limit/6,090 gp in assets. 
** Dragon Magazine #48 (April 1981) lists Rocky and Bullwinkle as a 12th and 13th level Fighters, respectively.

Frostbite Falls is the location of the Koochiching Hospital and home to a train station. Wossamotta University has its campus near downtown.

The Town Hall, movie theater, and bowling alley are all part of the same building. Their newspaper is the Picayune Intelligence.

The citizens obsessively watch the Rocky and Bullwinkle show, since the show made the town well-known.

Using Frostbite Falls in your campaign: Frostbite Falls is the only place where a unique element known as (and I am not making this up) Upsiedasium, an antigravity metal that can be found on Mt. Flatten. Upsiedasium can be used in the creation of magical items or technology that allow for flight or levitation.

Dumpster Divers - Intelligent, talking amimals 
exist on Earth-218. Despite their increasing mental acuity, many of these creatures continue to scavenge from the cast-offs discarded by humanity. The most prolific of these are: 

Possum - very dramatic, prone to fainting
Raccoon - clever, hoarders
Pigeon - with few exceptions, pigeons smoke and speak with French accents and write bad poetry

Leroy "Encyclopedia" Brown: Human male Smart Hero 1 (circa 1963)
CR: 1     Medium Humanoid (Human, Young*)     HD: 1d6-1     Hp: 5     MAS: 9
Init: +0     Spd: 20'     Defense: 9 (-1 Dex, +0 Class bonus), t: 9, ff: 9
Attacks: (BAB +0; Grap -1); -1 Unarmed Strike: 1d3-1 nonlethal
SA: - -
SQ: Class Features (Savant - Investigate)
Str: 8, Dex: 9, Con: 9, Int: 14, Wis: 13, Cha: 12
AL: His clients, his parents, Sally Kimball, Idaville Police Department (via his father)
Saves: Fort -1, Ref -1, Will +2  Reputation +4
Occupation: None
Skills: Investigate +9, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) +6, Knowledge (Civics) +6, Knowledge (Current Events) +6, Knowledge (Earth and Life Science) +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Physical Science) +6, Research +6, Search +6, Sense Motive +5, Spot +3
Feats: Attentive, Renown (b), Simple Weapons Proficiency (b),
Gear: Magnifying Glass (occasionally)

Age: 10     Eyes: Brown     Hair: Brown
Height: 4'6"     Weight: 70 lbs.

• Savant (Investigate): Encyclopedia Brown adds a bonus equal to his Smart Hero Class level to all Investigate skill checks.

* Young humans typically do not gain Class levels until age 12, have +0 attack and saving bonuses, and 1d4 hp. They have a Challenge Rating of 0. At age 12, children become young adults and gain a +3 bonus to Str/Con and a +1 bonus to Dex, Int, Wis, and Cha. They also take their 1st level in one of the six basic classes.

Police Detective Leroy "Encyclopedia" Brown: Human male Smart Hero 5/Dedicated Hero 4 (circa 2012)

CR: 9     middle-aged Medium Humanoid (Human)     HD: 5d6 plus 4d6
Hp: 29     MAS: 11
Init: +0     Spd: 30'     Defense: 10 (-1 Dex, +5 Class bonus, Light Undercover Shirt), t: 10, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +5; Grap +0); +5 Unarmed Strike: 1d3 nonlethal or +4 Colt Mk V (.38 special): 2d6 (20/×2, 30', semi) or +4 (ranged touch) Pepper Spray: Fort DC15 or Blind 1d4 rounds
SA: - -
SQ: Class Features: Aware, Exploit Weakness, Savant (Investigate), Skill Emphasis (Sense Motive), Trick, bonus Feats (2 from list for Dedicated Hero and 2 from list for Smart Hero)
Str: 10, Dex: 9, Con: 11, Int: 18, Wis: 15, Cha: 14
AL: Idaville Police Department, Sally Kimball-Brown
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +9  Reputation +7
Occupation: Investigative - gains Gather Information and Sense Motive as Class skills. Bonus feat: Personal Firearms Proficiency
Skills: Computer Use +9, Gather Information +10, Investigate +19, Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) +12, Knowledge (Civics) +9, Knowledge (Current Events) +7, Knowledge (Earth and Life Science) +7, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Physical Science) +8, Listen +5 (additional +5 bonus to avoid being surprised), Research +6, Search +5, Sense Motive +13, Spot +5 (+5 bonus to avoid being surprised), Treat Injury +6
Feats: Attentive, Combat Expertise (b), Defensive Martial Arts, Educated (Knowledge - Behavioral Sciences and Civics) (b), Educated (History and Physical Science) (b), Heroic Surge, Iron Will, Personal Firearms Proficiency (b), Renown (b), Simple Weapons Proficiency (b), Unbalance Opponent
Gear: Unmarked Police Car, Detective Dress Uniform, Badge, Colt MK V Revolver (.38 special) and speedloader w/ 6 spare rounds, Handcuffs, Flashlight, Professional Walkie-talkie, Cell Phone

Age: 59     Eyes: Brown     Hair: Brown and Gray
Height: 5'10"     Weight: 200 lbs.

• Aware: Encyclopedia Brown is intuitively aware of his surroundings and adds his base Will save to Listen and Spot checks to avoid being surprised.
• Savant (Investigate): Encyclopedia Brown adds a bonus equal to his Smart Hero Class level to all Investigate skill checks.

Using Encyclopedia Brown in your campaign: Any adventure that involves player characters investigating (or being accused of) a crime could cause them to cross paths with Leroy "Encyclopedia" Brown. In a more traditional fantasy setting, he could be a member of the city watch. At age 59, he is close to mandatory retirement.


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