Gisaku Fujita - Ninja Chef

Gisaku Fujita

Original Concept Drawing
Job Title: Ninja Chef

Average [+0] Ninja
Good [+2] Chef
Good [+2] Karaoke Singer
Good [+2] Food Safety
Poor [-2] Money Mgmt

Background: Gisaku Fujita is a chef, like Gisaku Fujita's father before Gisaku Fujita. Gisaku Fujita likes to sing and has terrible impulse control when it comes to spending money.

Element: Fire

Matter of Honor: Gisaku Fujita will always speak of Gisaku Fujita in the third person.

Honor Score: 10

Ninja Burger Uniform (bullet-resistant, fire-retardant, and stain resistant – includes ninja mask, tabi boots, and fingerless gloves)
Pocket GPS (with screen that displays team member location)
Wireless Headset (with built-in camera and microphone)
Frying Pan, Spatula, Assorted Spices

Gisaku Fujita: Human (male) Ninja 1
CR: 1     Medium Humanoid (Human)     HD: 1d6+1     Hp: 7
Init: +3     Spd: 30'     AC: 13 (+3 Dex, Ninja Burger Uniform*)
Attacks: (BAB +0, Grap +0); +0 Frying Pan: 1d6 or +0 Spatula: 1d4 or +3 (ranged touch): Blown Cloud of Seasoning: Ref DC12 or blinded 1d2 rounds

SA: Sudden Strike +1d6
SQ: +0 AC bonus, Ki Power, Trapfinding

Align: N     Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1

Str: 11, Dex: 16, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 10

Skills: Balance +7, Climb +4, Disable Device +4, Hide +9, Move Silently +9, Perform (Karaoke) +4, Profession (Chef) +5
Feats: Skill Focus (Profession – Chef) (b), Stealthy

Special Qualities: Clan Affiliation

Gear: Ninja Burger Uniform (bullet-resistant, fire-retardant, and stain resistant – includes ninja mask, tabi boots, and fingerless gloves), Pocket GPS (with screen that displays team member location), Wireless Headset (with built-in camera and microphone), Frying Pan, Spatula, Assorted Spices

The Ninja Burger Uniform provides DR2 vs. firearms, converts ½ remaining damage to subdual damage; provides +2 saving throw bonus vs. fire-based attacks)
  • Ki Power (Su): A ninja can channel his ki to manifest special powers of stealth and mobility. He can use his ki powers a number of times per day equal to one-half his class level (minimum 1) plus his Wisdom bonus (if any). Ki powers can be used only if a ninja is wearing no armor and is unencumbered. As long as a ninja’s ki pool isn’t empty (that is, as long as he has at least one daily use remaining), he gains a +2 bonus on his Will saves.
  • Clan Affiliation: current score: 0, as such Gisaku Fujita gains no special benefits at this time.
Using Gisaku in a campaign: Gisaku, as a character, could be used as is with his verbal quirk just being part of his personality.  Simply adjust his stats and gear to fit in with your campaign world and go from there.  

Using Ninja Burger in a campaign: The bigger question is how to use Ninja Burger in your campaign.  I plan on using it exactly as it is portrayed in its RPG, they deliver anytime, anywhere, in 30 minutes or less.  Ninja magic, clan wars, rival companies, and slapstick hijinks are all integral facets of the corporation.

The clerk at the mall's vintage comic shop let me have this for free today - he had no idea what it was or what it went to.


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