The Road to Balifor Bay (Part 2)

14 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR) Cedron replies to Shadow’s comment. “I’m not too worried about the competition. Don’t forget I have a god on my side.” He replies with a playful wink. Cedron introduces himself to Paulsimon. “That’s a lovely ballad minstrel. My name is Cedron. I’m a bit of a musician myself. It’s so rare that we encounter a fellow maker-of- music. Would you care to join us while we walk the same path? I’d love to compare…notes.” Paulsimon shakes his head, chuckling softly, "Nice pun, it really... struck a chord with me. Sadly, as I have mentioned, I am on my way to the Harvest Festival in Tarithnesti. Perhaps I can remember you to one who lives there?" The group speaks with the minstrel for a nearly an hour before he finally declares that he must be moving on if he is going to make it to his destination in time. “That bard was an interesting fellow; although you would think a traveling bard would have been more insightful in regard to the goings on in these l...