Silvanost - Grotto and Knives Make a Friend

09 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR)

Arthur stands and makes his way to lady Agnes "I am sorry, Lady Agnes but it seems this did not work for us as well as I had hoped. I apologize for bringing you all the way out here for nothing."

The elfin woman smiles, "It wasn't for nothing, Sir Knight, I just watched a seed grow to a full-sized tree in a matter of moments. I remain certain that you will be reunited with your god in due time. We just have to keep our faith."

Cedron remains uncharacteristically quiet, his mind working through the possibilities and consequences of the lack of contact with Malazzarr. 

Knives and Grotto roam around town looking for his companions. They ask those he passes if they know their whereabouts. Most of the elves shoot the dwarf cold looks of disgust. Some even go so far as to voice their distain that a dwarf walk among them. With the All-Speak ability granted to him by Lord Odin, Grotto insults them right back in perfect diction of their native tongue! Many of the elves pale and retreat in silence. Laughter reaches the dwarf's ears following his latest exchange. He turns and is surprised to discover an elven woman chuckling softly. When she notices Grotto noticing her, she clears her throat and approaches the two adventurers. She places the one hand upon her chest and says, "Alara. And you are?"

Grotto is confused by the elfs kindness and friendliness. He is not accustomed to strangers, much less women, being nice to him. "I am Grotto." Knives smiles his best smile and cocks one eyebrow slightly, "And I am known as Knives, M’Lady. We are both pleased to make your acquaintance."

"It is good to meet you both as well. You are some of the travelers I have heard so much about." The tone of her voice indicates that this was not a question. "I have
heard all manner of rumors regarding your arrival. Some say that you are scouts for the Dragonarmies. Others claim that you are from a world beyond the stars. There are also those who believe you are simply a pack of imbeciles with a poor sense of direction." She smailes, "Your command of our language leads me to think you are most likely not an imbecile. She crooks one arm, offering it to the scarred dwarf, "Walk with me. Silvanost sees few visitors these days, tell of life beyond these woods."

Back at the clearing, Ornforithalas retells the rest of the party what he knows of the war's progression thus far and the ogre, goblin, and giant sightings that have been reported.

“Goblins? That could be the trail we need to lead us to larger quarry. Tell us more Ornforithalas.” Kysek says to his new friend. “As much as you know. Perhaps where others have failed; we may prevail? We do have skilled trackers in our party as well as those who can remain unseen and unheard as we track.”

Raven scowls, confused by this turn of events. When he hears the report of goblin and ogre activity in the area, he perks up slightly, glad to have a problem that falls within his skillset.


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