The Road to Balifor Bay (Part 2)

14 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR)

Cedron replies to Shadow’s comment. “I’m not too worried about the competition. Don’t forget I have a god on my side.” He replies with a playful wink.

Cedron introduces himself to Paulsimon. “That’s a lovely ballad minstrel. My name is Cedron. I’m a bit of a musician myself. It’s so rare that we encounter a fellow maker-of- music. Would you care to join us while we walk the same path? I’d love to compare…notes.”

Paulsimon shakes his head, chuckling softly, "Nice pun, it really... struck a chord with me. Sadly, as I have mentioned, I am on my way to the Harvest Festival in Tarithnesti. Perhaps I can remember you to one who lives there?"

The group speaks with the minstrel for a nearly an hour before he finally declares that he must be moving on if he is going to make it to his destination in time.

“That bard was an interesting fellow; although you would think a traveling bard would have been more insightful in regard to the goings on in these lands. Ah well, we’ll find more than anyone will be able to tell us anyway.” Kysek says in a tone that starts off rather disappointed and end optimistic. The gold elf then sends Bubo out to hunt. He instructs his avian companion that once he’s done; he should keep an eye out on the boundaries of the camp and alert him if he spots any trouble.

Grotto sets up camp with the others then heads to the forest to forage some roots and herbs and manages to catch a pair of rabbits. Upon returning to camp, he prepares a meal and with his knowledge of herbs makes a wonderful meal. Grotto cooks a great meal over the camp fire. He tells the rest of the party that dinner is served. He tells them to get a full belly and rest. He volunteers to take the first watch of the night as the others settle in.

“Great meal Grotto. I have missed your road side cooking. Those fancy Elven meals are delicious and all but I need something for the long haul. Never know when your next meal will be or if this meal will be your last.” Shadow pats him on the shoulder as he passes by to get a second helping.

Raven eats as well but his evening is spent looking at the map the group got from Alara and asking Ornforithalas about the topography of the area. He begins thinking about locations that would be defensible where the elves could use the terrain to take advantage of the natural features - hills that would put short-legged goblins at a disadvantage, choke points where giants would have trouble maneuvering, overhangs that might provide some protection from draconic breath weapons. He asks the guard captain if Silvanesti has any warships that could be used to disrupt the minotaurs' maritime operations. He assumes that the Dragonarmies will also have humans in their ranks, either in the form of mercenaries working for pay or those who simply believe in the cause.

Raven volunteers for the second watch, taking over for Grotto at midnight.

Ra’ziir accepts Grotto’s offering. Taking an ample sampling of food, the Eldritch Knight sits by the fire and joins any others there.

He doesn’t make much conversation, but answers when spoken to without avoidance.

He passes the evening again by observing Nuitari for a time and then turning to his studies for the night.

Sitting still and reading silently for hours, the black-robed Elf almost melts into the shadows as he allows himself to fade into the Reverie for a brief respite before the sun rises.

15 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR)

After an uneventful night, the party breaks camp and sets out once again. As the party walks the gentle path through the woods, Raven moves up from the back of the group to ask Ornforithalas if he knows anything about the humans allied with the Dragonarmies. He explains the Cult of the Dragon that exists on his homeworld - an order of religious zealots who believe that undead dragons will one day rule all of Faerûn and asks if anything like that group is present here. Ornforithalas is stunned by Raven's depiction of the group, bewildered that anyone could embrace such a mad philosophy.

A little after noon, Raven lifts one hand, signaling a stop. He asks, "Does anyone else hear that?" A second later, he vanishes into thin air, leaving a circle of mushrooms behind on the ground where he was standing. 


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