Queen Elsa of Arendelle

What I liked (and still like) best about the d20 system was the sheer versatility it offered in character creation. It is easily adaptable to so many different genres and power levels of characters that it is possible to create almost any character with just a little work.

I hereby present to you "Elsa, the Snow Queen of Arendale". I did not give her any equipment since she is a "stay-at-home" adventurer but she would typically carry 9,400 gp worth of equipment (as an NPC) or 27,000 gp (as a player character). This does not include income from taxes or trading interests.

* Metahuman character class is taken from d20 Paragon by D. Jon Mattson.

Queen Elsa of Arendelle (a.k.a. The Snow Queen)

Female Human (Mutant) Aristocrat 3/Metahuman 5
NG Medium Humanoid
Init: +2, Senses: Listen +4, Spot +1
Languages: Read/Write English, French, German and Norwegian

AC: 12 (+2 Dex); t: 12, ff: 10
Hp: 45 (8HD)
Energy: 27
Immune: Cold
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +7
Spd: 30’ (6 squares)

Melee +5 Unarmed: 1d3 nonlethal
Ranged Cold Blast: 4d4 (20/x2, 100’ range increment, uses energy)
Combat Gear: - -
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16

SA: Mutant Abilities
SQ: Mutant Abilities

Feats: Enlarge Power (b); Inner Strength (b); Inner Strength; Quicken Power; Widen Power
Skills: Appraise (+2 w/ sculpture); Concentration +9; Craft (Sculpture) +10; Diplomacy +12; Gather Information (+5 in Arendelle); Knowledge – Local (Arendelle) +9; Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +9; Listen +4; Perform (Singing) +14; Sense Motive +8

Possessions: As the ruler of the Kingdom of Arendelle, Elsa has access to a vast supply of mundane and masterwork equipment including ships, horses and the Royal Palace.

Height: 5’4”     Weight: 105 lbs.     Hair: Platinum-Blond     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Elsa is slender and beautiful.  She has pale white skin, a smattering of light freckles and rosy cheeks with platinum hair, normally worn in an elaborate braid and icy blue eyes.

• Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); +4 bonus on their initial Energy scores, LA +1; Metahuman is preferred class for multiclass purposes

• Ultra Damage Resistance (Cold) - Elsa is immune to cold-based damage.
• Standard Energy Blast (Cold): Energy cost: 1 – When Elsa uses this ability, snow and ice radiate out from her hands, leaving a trail of frost and freezing water vapor in the air into snow or even icicles.
                 (Amplifier – on a Critical Hit, the target must make a Fort save (DC15 + dmg) saving throw or have its heart frozen.  This takes 3d4 hours.  At the end of this time, the target transforms into a statue made of ice).  The time is halved if the target is in a cold environment and doubled in a warm one.)
                 (Reducer: An act of True Love (self-sacrifice, the kiss of one's beloved, etc) can halt and reverse this effect.)
• Ultra Element Control (Snow and Ice): 600’ range, affects up to 40,000 cu. ft of snow and ice; Energy cost: 3, continuous - Elsa can conjure up intense cold, freezing water vapor in the air and shape various things from snow flurries to blizzards. Her degree of control is so precise that she was able to create a sparkling gown made of ice crystals that moved like fabric and create a large ice castle on North Mountain.  She normally uses this power to create walls that block incoming attacks or long, razor sharp icicles to trap foes (treat as Spike Stones or Wall of Ice cast by a Wizard equal to her Metahuman level).
(Reducer: Ice and Snow only)
(Amplifier: Create Living Snow Constructs, Reducer: Uncontrolled): It's possible Elsa's ice powers may have a will of their own to some extent, where they respond to whatever Elsa feels. This possibility could explain why she was able to create Olaf and Marshmallow. Theoretically, in having a mind of its own, it would make sense if the ice powers split part of its sentience off into these external shells created by Elsa, each of whom represent a certain aspect of Elsa's personality.

• Irritation Aversion – Social – Elsa injured her sister with her cold powers while they were both children.  The emotional trauma led to Else becoming a recluse in her own castle as she tried to avoid contact with anyone else she could accidentally harm. This weakness is replaced by the Sworn Enemies weakness at the end of the movie.
• Sworn Enemies – the Southern Isles and Weselton, the Duke of Weselton returned from Elsa's coronation with claims of being attacked and nearly killed by the queen and her witchcraft.  Both kingdoms are now preparing for war.
• Phobia – Thalassophobia – (Not revealed yet), Elsa was traumatized by the death of her father and mother during a sea voyage.  When faced with the source of her fear (sea voyages), she suffers a -1 morale penalty on attack rolls and fear-related saving throws. The first time she makes a voyage, she will have to make a Will save (DC16) to avoid backing away or fleeing in panic.


This adventure is set in the lands of the Grimm RPG.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the setting, it is a dark land based on the original tales of the Brothers Grimm.  Rapunzel, after leaving her tower, wandered for awhile and in her absence, spiders moved into the abandoned structure.  The tower, being semi-sentient, missed its lone occupant and pined for her return.  When she came back, the tower was elated but the spiders were not.  They swarmed over Rapunzel and bit her repeatedly until their poison killed her.  The tower was saddened, not understanding the concept of death – only knowing that Rapunzel was no longer doing anything.  The spiders crawled into her corpse and animated it like a stringless marionette, tricking the tower into thinking she was still alive.

Tensions between Arendelle, Weselton, and the Southern Isles remain high.  The events following Queen Elsa’s coronation and the subsequent banishment of the Duke of Weselton and Prince Hans caused the two kingdoms to ally themselves against Arendelle and its queen.  A blockade, carried out by ships of the Southern Isles, is in place and Weselton’s army probes the mountain passes for a way into Elsa’s kingdom by land.
Elsa, while capable of creating a blizzard that would hold Weselton’s forces at bay, is unable to do so without affecting her own troops so she is in need of allies.  Her sister, Anna, and a commoner named Kristoff went south to enlist aid headed south to request aid from other kingdoms Arendelle has had friendly relationships with in the past but haven’t been heard from in months.  She seeks to recruit a party of adventurers to help her find Anna and bring an end to the brewing conflict.
Princess Anna and Kristoff did manage to slip past the blockade and their first stop was Rapunzel's Tower.  As both were unaware of Rapunzel's fate, they entered the tower expecting a warm welcome.  They were horrified to discover Rapunzel's rotted corpse being animated by the very spiders that had killed her.  The spiders, not sure of the tower's attitude toward the visitors, captured the pair and locked them in the highest room – the very one that used to confine Rapunzel herself when she was younger.
Elsa is hoping that her champions will be able to speak to the rock trolls to secure their aid in blocking the mountain passes into Arendelle.  Thus far, the trolls have remained neutral.  On the way to speak with Pabbie, leader of the trolls, the adventurers are attacked by a scouting party from Weselton that managed to sneak over the border undetected.  Pabbie, while sorry to hear about the queen's troubles, sees no reason for the trolls to get involved in the conflict between Arendelle, Weselton, and the Southern Isles.  It may be possible to influence him into taking action if the women can garner the support of Bulda, Cliff, or Gothi.
If the group manages to rescue the prisoners from the tower and heads back to Arendelle, their ship will find itself surrounded by a flotilla of ships from the Southern Isles and, taken into custody.  Prince Hans comes to meet Princess Anna.  An argument ensues and it is revealed that Hans was influenced by the trolls to betray Anna who hoped to play matchmaker between her and Kristoff.  Once the trick is revealed, hostilities between the Southern Isles and Arendelle will cease.
Once this happens, the Southern Isles will call off their blockade and withdraw their support of Weselton.  This will allow Elsa to open negotiations at a neutral location and a peace settlement can be reached.  However, this strains relations between the queen and the rock trolls.


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