Dumbo the Flying Elephant

male young Elephant (Mutant)
NG Animal
Init: -1; Senses Listen +18; Spot +6
Languages: Understands English
AC: 13 (-1 size, +4 Natural); t: 9, ff: 13
Hp: 32 (5HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4

Spd: 30’ (6 squares), fly 90’ (good) (18 squares)
Melee +5 Slam: 1d8+4 and +0 2 Stomps: 1d8+2
Ranged: - -
Combat Gear: - -
Str: 19, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 3
SA: Trample: 1d10+6
SQ: Low-Light Vision; Scent; Mutant Traits
Feats: Alertness; Iron Will
Skills: Listen +18, Spot +6

Possessions: Yellow Hat, Red and Yellow “Neckerchief”

• Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); Evolved Metabolism (+4 bonus on their initial Energy scores)


• Improved Flight: Dumbo is capable of flying 90’/round with the same degree of maneuverability as a housefly or hummingbird.
                (Reducer – Winged Flight; Dumbo’s oversized ears function as wings.  He cannot fly if his ears are bound or otherwise hindered)
• Improved Meta-Sense (Hearing): Dumbo’s massive ears give him incredible hearing, even compared to other elephants.  He gains a +12 bonus to all Listen checks.
                (Amplifier: Subsonic Hearing): Dumbo is able to hear sound frequencies far below the range of normal hearing.  As such he gains a +4 bonus to hear large objects approaching from a distance and can attempt to hear meteorological and geological phenomena, e.g. approaching storms and imminent earthquakes.

Dumbo is a baby elephant with incredibly over-sized ears.  This presentation reflects his abilities at the end of his animated movie.  Dumbo was created using the 3.5e Monster Manual and "De-aged" with guidelines from the d20 Modern Core Rulebook.  His Mutant abilities were taken from d20 Paragon by D. Jon Mattson.


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