Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 1)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Sunrise)

Shadow stands and looks into Hildr’s eyes and says “I very much want to return home, to a life of more quiet days than not. All this is exhausting and terrifying at the same time. I wish for a good life and for the same however that may be possible.  And don’t take any gruff off those swine!” He points to a random group of warriors and then raises the tankard in their direction. "Those guys deserve a good night of drinking before you carry their souls away. Happy hunting, Hildr. The gods don’t deserve you.”

Back at Völundr's home, as Raven finishes the tale of his encounter with Shaundukal, Raz'iir smiles, "What an honor to be visited by one’s deity and asked to take a position within their realm," the bladesinger ponders a brief moment before continuing, “and how difficult it must have been to turn them down. Your loyalty to this misfit group is a gift they may never truly know.”

With that, the Elfemental goes back to his studies. He focuses on the spells he has just been able to access and adjusts some of the spells prepared for the upcoming departure on the long journey home.

The sun begins to crest over the horizon, bathing the snow-covered Plains of Vígríðr with the first light of the dawn, painting Asgard in red and gold. The coming of day chases the chill from the air. The melting snow and ice make way for the arrival of spring.

A strange silence hangs over the Golden City, uninterrupted by the clash of arms.

Grotto wakes in the early morning before any other rise and looks for a nice place to bathe. He chuckles at those still passed out from over consumption the night before. "Amateurs!" He laughs! The dwarf grabs a full tankard of drink and some fruit to snack on and heads out. After finding a nice looking spot, he strips out of his armor and had a refreshing bath. He rinses any blood and visceral looking matter from his armor and let's it air dry while he leans back and takes in the warm sun on his naked body. "A nice relaxing day would be great!", think Grotto. He reaches into his pouches and overfills his pipe with his best leaf. The pungent smoke could be smelled far from his location, always inviting passersby to join. After the sun has dried his body, Grotto waves to curious on lookers who walk past as he is dressing once again. "Must have been a pretty wild night, seems I have more jewels and coin than normal this morning!" Grotto smiles at his new found wealth! "Wonder what i did to have this?" Grotto dresses then goes to where he remembers the ponies sleeping. He gives the ponies some of the extra fruit he grabbed earlier and the three of them make their way back to the great hall for breakfast. Grotto sits with the ponies to eat as they speculate what will become of Loki.

Niklas wakes and cleans himself up after their time on the road. “Can’t remember the last time I did that…”

Feeling refreshed, he grabs a bite to eat while waiting for his friends to wake. His thoughts begin to drift off on their journey so far, reflecting on his team member’s strengths, their battles and how they were won.

Once he sees someone from the party, he grabs them some food and brings it to them as a token of appreciation.

Cedron partakes of the festivities longer than his mortal body approves, and eventually makes his way to slumber. Upon waking, he washes himself, and grabs a bite of bread to settle his stomach.

The minstrel-priest makes his way through Völundar’s home checking on each of his friends in-turn. He finally stops when he finds Kysek. “My friend. A good morning to you.” he says greeting his elven comrade. “I saved a spell for you. Before I begin my morning prayers, I thought you might want to speak with your wife?” He offers humbly.

Kysek looks up from his study of the “tome” at the sound of Cedron’s voice, “I do thank you for thinking of me, in our adventures, I have at some point procured this.” The elven thief pulls a small ring from his pocket and shows it to Cedron. “A ring of sending.” He adds, “Though you may not notice, I do utilize it frequently during times when I’m alone. Thank you again, you’re a good friend.” The elf realizing time is near to see what’s next in our adventure then closes the tome, puts it away, and attempts to glean what maybe next for himself and his friends.

”Ahhh I see.” Ced replies acknowledging the ring of sending. “It comforts me knowing that you’ve been able to at least stay in touch. I miss my loved ones dearly, but they are all out of reach, except in memory.” He composes himself “Well if you ever need anything, let me know.” Cedron then heads to a quiet corner, and begins his prayers.

The rest of the group rises and begins to gather in the common room of Völundr's home when a pigeon arrives. The bird looks somewhat the worse for wear, as if it may have indulged too much in the previous night's celebration. A tiny bell hangs on a cord slung over its neck and two scrolls are strapped to its back. It shakes itself, ruffling its feathers and clears its throat before speaking a high, melodic voice. "Mortals, you are hereby called to attend Idunn in her Golden Grove." The bird flaps its wings a few more times, steals a breakfast roll from the table, and flies away.
- - - - -
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow),
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; 75% of the Tome has been read;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health;
• Shadow: 100% health; 


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