The Arbitrarily Argumentative Toddler (with Bonus Template: Seventh Son)

Arbitrarily Argumentative Toddler is a template that can be applied to any Young Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Fey, or Giant hereafter referred to as the base creature. The template is lost when the base creature ages out of its toddler years.

Apply the following changes to the Base Creature:

SA: Tantrum, Toddler Grip
SQ: Toddle

Tantrum (Ex): If the Arbitrarily Argumentative Toddler becomes fatigued or is prevented from completing an action/acquiring an object it desires, it will throw a Tantrum, gaining a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution equal to double its increased Constitution score. All attempts made to soothe the Arbitrarily Argumentative Toddler are treated as a Challenging Skill task (DC20). If the Skill check is successful, the tantrum ends. If the Skill checks fails, the Tantrum becomes a Meltdown. During a meltdown, the AAT gains a shriek attack that is highly demoralizing, causing the listener to suffer a -2 morale penalty on all further Skill checks until the meltdown ends or the listener leaves the area.
Toddler Grip (Ex): Toddlers have a grip strength far higher than their size would indicate. They gain a +4 bonus on Strength or Grapple checks made to maintain a hold on an object. 

Toddle (Ex): All terrain is treated as Difficult for an Arbitrarily Argumentative Toddler. 

(Most image searches took me to the Iron Maiden album or movie posters. This picture is from the movie, cropped down).

"He has the power to heal. He has the gift of the second sight. He is the chosen one. So it shall be written, so it shall be done."

The Seventh Son of a Seventh Son template can be applied to any Humanoid creature that normally gives birth to only one or two offspring at a time. The Seventh Son of a Seventh Son gains the following abilities:

Lay on Hands (as Paladin of equal level) or Remove Disease - 1/day

Clairvoyance (as Wizard of equal level), 1/5 days

Gains Third Eye as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites for it.


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