Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 1)

The next part in my ongoing Play-by-post campaign...

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Shortly after Sunrise)

Until the bird's arrival, Shadow had spent the morning hours cleaning up his gear, studying spells and feeding Spewer treats he pocketed from the night before and placed in his bag of holding. Upon being summoned however, he comments,  “Mortals, they keep reminding us of that.”

Cedron replies, “Shadow, there are times that I think the gods envy our mortality. Eternity must be a horrible burden for them. I, for one, embrace my inevitable death, and the peace that I hope it will bring me.”

Grotto marvels at the talking bird! He looks quizzically at his pipe and smiles and says, "Man, this is good stuff!"

Raven, standing off to one side, is puzzled by Grotto’s strange reaction to the Idunn's messenger. After all, the group had spent weeks traveling with Korbin, a talking crow from Grotto’s homeland. The elven swordsman shakes his head, wondering where his bird friend had disappeared to. After the messenger-bird leaves, Raven collects his gear, checks his weapons, and joins the rest of the party for the walk to Idunn's.

After hearing the message the bird has delivered, Cedron stands and states “Let us not keep Idunn waiting. I look forward to returning to that beautiful grove.”

Once hearing Cedron's comments, Grotto realizes that the bird indeed was talking! Grotto laughs at his confusion. "Too bad it wasn't my pipe making the bird talk!" Grotto thinks to himself. Grotto looks to the rest of the party and tilts his head in the direction of the orchard, "Lead the way my fine feathered friend!" Grotto says to herald. Grotto is glad he tended to washing his body and armor before meeting with Idunn once again. Grotto stands and confidently struts with the group to the grove.

Kysek shakes his head slowly side to side before looking to the floor. “I really do wonder sometimes, just what is next. Each road we take leads to new, more dangerous foes. I guess this is the life we’ve chosen? Or better still, the life that’s chosen us.”  The elf looks at his battle worn body, then holds out his hands and looks at them, clenches his fists tightly, and says, “Let’s go. No time like the present.” As he relaxes his hands straightens his posture and begins heading toward the door in his typical confident demeanor. Ra’ziir and Niklas fall in with the group and soon the party follows in line behind the messenger bird and makes their way through the city of Asgard. Rapidly melting snow runs off of steeply pitched roofs and down into the streets, forming small streams that rush down to the nearby fjord. Small talk and banter are exchanged by group members with Grotto mentioning aloud if perhaps the Asgardian gods will be sending us back to our own worlds.

Once they reach the grove, the fragrant scent of apple blossoms fills the air. The bird wings away, disappearing into the overreaching tree branches above. The path, well known to the party after the day spent defending Idunn's orchard from invading Jotun, leads a short distance before opening into a small clearing.

The goddess rises as the party enters, smiles and greets the group with a sweetly-spoken, "Welcome, heroes," as she reaches out to clasp hands and kiss the cheek of each member in turn, until she finally arrives at Cedron, "It is good to see you on a day not fraught with the grim spectre of warfare. Please, be comfortable." As Idunn sits, a divan appears beneath her and cushioned seats and stools are suddenly present all around the clearing. A small table with a glass pitcher of either cider, wooden trays of pastries, sliced and steamed apples are also simply there. "Please, help yourselves." The goddess pauses, "I have news. The All-Father has awakened. He sits now with Thor, Baldur, my husband Bragi, and Forseti, deciding Loki's fate. Saga sits as a recorder of their decision. He has been told of your role in the defense of our city. He will meet with you tonight." She looks directly at Cedron. "You spoke of planting a seed within the walls of my orchard. I have decided to allow it, despite the potential risk to the Realm's safety. An enemy could gain access to your portals and use them to infiltrate Asgard," she pauses for a moment before continuing, "or the Æsir could use them to escape Ragnarok when the time comes."

- - - - -
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow),
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; 75% of the Tome has been read;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health;
• Shadow: 100% health; 


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