Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 3)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Shortly after Sunrise)

Ra’ziir perks up upon noticing Romulus… he puts his grimoire away and smiles as he makes his way toward the halfling. “It seems like a lifetime since we’ve seen you, old friend." 

Raven embraces his returning comrades, stunned that Romulus has once again cheated death.

The halfling smiles, "I've been back for a couple of months. It's... hard to deal with the fact that I was killed, otherwise this body wouldn't have awakened. I also don't know what happened in between its creation and its activation. And, I have been trying to replace literally everything I owned. Aaaaand, on top of all of that, I've been waiting around in Lankhmar for the next seed to be planted so the portal would activate, not knowing if any of you were still alive." 

Before the portal can close, Romulus turns and whistles. At his call, a heavily muscled, spotted white cat that resembles a cross between a lynx and a leopard trots through the magical doorway. The cat has a saddle with a pair of saddlebags across its back. It walks up to the halfing and sits, presenting its head for scratches. Romulus looks to the rest of the group, "This is Macula. I got him from Marr for helping with a little rat problem the city was having." The archmage adjusts a strap across his chest, shifting the scimitar on his back into a more comfortable position. 

Niklas introduces himself to Romulus, Knives, and Chronosaj. The three nod in turn, sharing names in turn before joining in the feast provided by the goddess.

Cedron grins, “Welcome  my brothers in sweat and blood! I would say I’m surprised by your return, but if this journey has taught me anything, miracles seem to happen everywhere we stride.”

Cedron’s smile seems to hide a touch of disappointment in not experiencing the arrival of Malazzarr himself. 

He then turns attention to Idunn, and offers her thanks as he partakes of the great feast.

Grotto stumbled gracefully to the new comrades. "Hamelin? Jack and Jill?" Grotto excitedly inquires. "What news do you have from my home the Grimmlands?" Grotto looks at the portal closing behind then realizing it would be too late to take the ride back home. "For the best probably, not much left in the Grimmlands for me."

Arthur finds a seat and grabs some food thinking back on missing out on all that's has happened the past few days and begins to feel like he let the party down. The First Paladin of Malazzarr excuses himself and walks a short distance away. Once away from the noise and bustle of the reunion, Arthur closes his eyes and bows his head in prayer, seeking forgiveness from his god.

Knives greets his friends he has missed for these long years apart.

Idunn welcomes the new arrivals as well before steering the conversation to the feast that will take place in Valhalla this evening, letting the adventurers know that she suspects Odin will likely bestow a gift upon them for the service they performed for the city.
- - - - -
• Arthur: 100% health 
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Chronosaj: 100% health 
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow), 
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Knives: 100% health 
• Kysek: 100% health; 75% of the Tome has been read;
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; 
• Romulus: 100% health;
• Shadow: 100% health 


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