Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 5)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Evening)

The party gathers their gear and journeys with Idunn through the streets of Asgard, bound for the mead hall, Valhalla. As the sun sinks towards the far horizon, the weather shifts, becoming cooler, the wind carrying the crisp scent of autumn. Leaves, already having transitioned to their red and gold shades, blow past on the street, crackling and crinkling with every bounce they make along the golden streets. The people, the common folk of the city, not just the Æsir or the Vanir who rule over it, seem more relaxed, joyful, and high-spirited. The sounds of children playing can be heard for the first time since the party's arrival, no longer drowned out by the hammering of the smithy forges needed for the war effort against Loki's army.

The biggest change is the music. It rings out over the city, from the common room of every home and tavern, from singers in the street, flutes, harps, bells, tagelharpa, and horns blend with lyrics evoking the sea, the forest, battle, drinking, and homages to the gods, especially Idunn as she passes by. A particularly bold skald stops his song entirely and switches to a bawdy one about the goddess and her 'firm, ripe apples', eliciting a laugh from the goddess as continues on her way.

As the group walks, Niklas asks Kysek if he is truly alright following the elf's near-collapse in the Grove. 

Kysek replies, “Thank you. I am fine. In fact one might say better than I have been in a while. Let’s finally go meet this ‘All-Father’ whom we’ve been so feverishly fighting for. After you my friend. And no, I have not forgotten our earlier conversation.”

The Knight of the Barrie Grange must admit to himself that something IS different though. His head aches, a dull pain that comes in waves that strike his forehead, temples, and the back of his neck. His mind races though, thoughts and ideas competing for his attention - ways to up his land's productivity, minor changes he could make to his spells that would either increase their effectiveness or make for more efficient use of the spell components they consume. He thinks about the notes on the slateboard at Abacus's home in Ponyville. He casts a quick glance over at Abacus and Foil Hat as they walk beside Drax. All three have been silent for nearly the entire day amd while the assassin often keeps his own counsel, it is obvious that the two ponies are simply overwhelmed by the flurry of activity they have been part of since their arrival. 

The party trails along in Idunn’s wake, conversing with each other. Cedron begins an impromptu ballad about hope and progress, testing out new verses as he walks, evaluating and discarding those he doesn't like, adding to and refining the ones that he does. 

Shadow and Romulus talk more about the Clone spell. The dark elf slips treats to Spewer, his spitting crawler familiar as they walk. The halfling archmage adjusts his scimitar as he rides along beside his drow friend while keeping the issue with Raven’s damaged bracer in the back of his mind.

Finally, the mead hall comes into sight and for the first time, the adventurers are able to gaze upon Valhalla. Its golden roof is made of shields riveted together, held aloft by rafters made from battle-tested spears. Hundreds of doors pierce the walls, some large enough to allow 800 Einherjar to pass at once, side-by-side. Huge timbers, each thicker than the main masts of any ship Raven has sailed upon anchor the corners of Odin's seat of power.

As the group arrives, one of the smaller doors are thrown open to admit them. Horns of mead are pressed into their hands by Valkyries. Within, there are tables laden with raspberries, bilberries, plums, hazelnuts, cranberries, and of course, apples. Near the center of the far wall, the boar Sæhrímnir, who is slaughtered nightly and reborn in the morning turns on a massive spit, tended by Andhrímnir, a broad-bellied, dark-haired god. The deity showers the beast with coriander and cumin and basting it with its own drippings mixed with honey. Those Einherjar lucky enough to be close by are tossed cuts of the meat carved away by the god. More Valkyries make rounds through the crowd, bearing large platters of bread, porridge mixed with onions and pork, smoked herring, cheeses, and butter.

Clusters of Einherjar can be seen encircling those gods who are present. The group recognizes Thor, Baldur, the sea god Ægir and his wife Ran, as well as Bragi, husband of Idunn. The goddess smiles as she lays eyes on Bragi and bids the party farewell before going to his side. The group is guided to a table draped with chainmail and its seats made from breastplates worn in battle by various heroes over the ages. Food and drink are brought by the Valkyries, although Hildr is nowhere to be seen.

Hours pass. Outside, fall gives way to winter, as it does every night. Finally, a pair of ravens swoop in through an open window. They are followed by a pair of large wolves who enter through a pair of doors near to the party. The rangy, scarred canines head straight for the high seat at the end of the hall. Warriors give way, allowing the wolves to pass, eyes lowered and heads bowed. The ebony birds alight on the seat back, gimlet eyes scanning the throng. Baldur, Bragi, Thor, and the white-haired god the group hasn't made the acquaintance of yet all break off from the Einherjar surrounding them and make for the high seat. They arrive just as the wolves do and take up flanking positions as a tall, old man with only one eye enters the room. He wears a simple gray robe and broad, wide-brimmed hat and uses a broad-headed spear as a walking stick. He reaches the seat of honor, now obviously a throne despite its simple appearance and signals with his free hand. The Valkyries who have been providing the party with their food and drink lean in and inform the adventurers that they are being granted their audience with the All-Father. 

- - - - -
• Arthur: 100% health
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Chronosaj: 100% health
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow),
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Knives: 100%
• Kysek: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health;
• Romulus: 100% health;
• Shadow: 100% health; 


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