Day Six of the Odinsleep (Part 4)

Day Six of the Odinsleep (Mid-morning thru late afternoon)

Most of the day is spent in Idunn’s Grove. The group continues to eat and rest, trading stories of the events that transpired while they were apart. Cedron asks how Romulus was able to return from the dead, causing the archmage-druid to launch into  dissertation on magical cloning, the spells that can be used to accomplish the feat, and the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Ra'ziir asks Romulus where he has been amd what he remembers from when last they met. The halfling pauses, thinking back and reveals that the last memory he has before waking up in this body is packing his gear for the journey to Mt. Uungau. Upon awakening, he sought out comrades who remained in the city. He, Cain Blackstone, and Stelothek were contracted by the city to investigate missing caravans. That led to a battle with trolls and another contract with Arthur's lawyer-turned-Overlord, Marr. The city's wererat population has blown up a grain silo, flattening several neighboring buildings. Eventually, Romulus fought the son of the Rat God and slew him.

Raven listens to his friend's tale, interjecting bits of the group's adventures in the Grimmlands, including his baking curse, the delving of the Three Pigs' Fortress, and their arrival in Asgard, amd subsequent damaging of his bracers.

Knives relates the tale of his and Chronosaj's escape from Hamelin, the deadly canines who pursued them, and the spider-infested tower (and its resident corpse) that tried to kill them. Grotto interjects with questions about his homeland but the rogue and the gunslinger have little information to offer from areas not considered to be part of Sir Jack's kingdom.

As Kysek sits under one the trees, he only half-listens as he continues to read the book of one's and zeroes that he found in Myrlund's home in the Grimmlands. As he turns the final page, something... clicks ... in his mind. The book which has consumed every waking moment outside of combat begins to smoke and bursts into flames and is consumed. A sharp pain blossoms behind his eyes and it feels like his skull is going to split open. He gasps for breath and doubles over, his fingers digging in the soft, rich loam. Before anyone can even rush to his aid, the pain is gone, replaced by serene understanding and cool logic. He raises one hand, "I am unharmed. Please, remain calm."

Nik grabs a seat and listens to the various conversations. He wants to know more about the new arrivals so he pays attention to their conversations and mannerisms. He makes a mental note to circle back with Kysek about learning to make the most of his magical abilities.

After praying Arthur returns back inside and rejoins the festivities, listening to the various conversations going on around him.

Hours pass in this manner. Servants come and go, bringing food and drink as needed. Several of Bragi's skalds serenade the group, singing ribald songs and sharing tales of the Æsir for the adventurers' entertainment. Summer finally begins to give way to autumn as the sun sinks toward the western horizon. A chill breeze blows through Idunn’s trees, their leaves turning a reddish brown and fall from their branches, carried away by the restless wind.

The goddess finally announces, "It is time for us to away to the mead hall. The All-Father will be waiting."

- - - - -
• Arthur: 100% health
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Chronosaj: 100% health
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow),
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Knives: 100%
• Kysek: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health;
• Romulus: 100% health;
• Shadow: 100% health; 


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