Long Lost Friends (The Hounds Revealed)

12 Feb 1371 (1828 Grimmlands calendar) 

Knives turned in surprise as the first two hounds leapt across the river.  He spun, took a deep breath and blew flames at the yellow dog.  The animal rolled to one side, avoiding the brunt of the attack as Chronosaj flicked his wrists, releasing his two dueling pistols and took aim at the beast.  He raised the guns and pulled their triggers.  Twin plumes of smoke erupted from the weapons.  A pair of lead bullets shot from the end of the barrel and slammed into the yellow hound, flattening on impact and falling to the ground without penetrating the beast’s tough hide. 

The yellow hound rushed forward, its body changing as it closed in on its quarry.  From the four-legged form of a dog, the animal took on the appearance of a muscular humanoid clad in plate armor.  A supernatural terror rolled across the two thieves as the yellow hound reached over its shoulder to pull a huge two-handed sword from the sheath on his back.  The hound snarled and body checked the thief-acrobat with one broad shoulder.  We gave thee warnings and you did an ignore.  Thee will payeth for thy crimes and thy insolence!   Knives staggered backwards, bouncing off of one the anchoring uprights and nearly slid down the bank into the river.  He regained his footing at the edge of the shore and glanced down at the water flowing past below. 

The black hound raced toward Chronosaj, its body undergoing a similar change and launched a jab with its right fist that connected solidly with the gunsligner’s jaw.  Chronosaj’s head snapped to one side and for a moment he saw flashing lights dancing before his eyes.  He could already feel the side of his jaw starting to swell and realized that perhaps, he and Knives had bitten off more than they could chew. 

As the fire continued to spread and engulf the bridge, the white dog circled back to where its companions had started and dug its heels into the ground and took off running like a dart.  As its brothers had before, the white hound leapt into the air and sailed across the twenty-foot gap with ease, “Last chance.  Give thyselves up and we wilt go gently on thee.

Chronosaj: 95% health
Knives: 94% health (1 fire breath remaining)


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