Red Reverends

While watching YouTube the other day, I stumbled across another video that got me to thinking…

With that in mind, I have been putting some thought into these Red Reverends and how I could incorporate them into the Old West chapter of my campaign.

This sect of the Catholic Church splintered off from the Ordo Malleus after the Salem Witch Hunts.  The founders insist that they did not go “too far”, rather that they didn’t go far enough and that if they had found all of the witches that they would have been hailed as heroes and champions of the faith rather than having their power diminished because of failure.

Members of the Order use self-flagellation to purify themselves and their bodies are covered with layer upon layer of scars resulting from this practice.  They also wear red to symbolize the blood Jesus shed during the Crucifixion.

The Red Reverends are fanatically devoted to their sect and almost slavishly follow the dictates of the Red Cardinal.  Any violation of their strict interpretation of the Bible is viewed as either blasphemy or heresy and is punished with extreme prejudice.  There is no leeway, no extenuating circumstances, no second chances, and no mercy or reprieves.  Examples include:

                • If a violator touched a pig, his hand shall be cut off.
                • If different crops were planted side-by-side in the same field, that field will be burned.
                • If an oracle was sought out, then the offender will be blinded for attempting to see the future.
                • If someone worked on the Sabbath, they shall be stoned until dead.

The Reverends consider themselves to be priests but in terms of game mechanics, they are Sorcerers, capable of casting Arcane spells without preparation and favor magic that calls upon (the cleansing) fires (of God).  They substitute Biblical verses for verbal components of their spells and may use religious icons (crucifix, rosary, etc.) in lieu of material components.

Red Reverends are proficient with all simple weapons plus whips.  Their class skills are Concentration, Craft, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Profession, Spellcraft, and Use Rope.  They gain 2 skill points (plus Intelligence bonus) per level with the first level’s skill points being multiplied by 4.  Base Attack Bonus and saving throw progression and spells per day and spells known are identical to the Sorcerer class’s progression.


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