Cat's Paw Ring

My wife was looking at rings on etsy's website last night and this ring caught my eye. It just looked like it should be a magic item. I fiddled around with a couple different ideas but this is what I came up with.  I hope you all like it and maybe it can find its way into some of your own campaigns.

This silver ring looks like a cat climbing from one tree branch to another. When worn, it grants the bearer Low-Light Vision and a +2 circumstance bonus to Climb and Balance checks. Additionally, all falls are treated as if they were 60' shorter and the wearer always lands on his feet.

Market Value: 3400gp
Cost to Create: 4 days/136 Xp/1700 gp Prerequisites: Caster Level 12, Forge Ring, Low-Light Vision, Cat's Grace, Feather Fall


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