Day Four of the Odinsleep (The Sea God, His Wife, and Their Daughters)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (8pm)

As the food is brought out, a light hand touches Shadow upon the shoulder and he turns, face-to-face with “his” Valkyrie, “You lived.  One of my names is Hildr.  I have duties to attend but I will look for you when I may.”

Shadow cannot help but smile when the Valkyrie gives him her name, “Hildr is a beautiful and powerful name.  It suits you well.  I look forward to the time when our duties have been attended to and our time together is not rushed.”  He raises a goblet in her direction and smiles, “Until then, I will try not to die.”  Hildr takes her leave and returns to her appointed rounds and Shadow leans in and speaks to Spewer, “Hildr… don’t think we’ve met a Hildr before.”

The feast has been well underway for a few hours.  Most of the group takes a portion of food and then clears out to make room for the rowdier warriors and the Valkyries who circulate through the crowd, bearing platters of meat and more mead as required. 

Cedron slips away from the group, stepping outside to take in the cool night air and watches the snow fall for a short time before praying, “Malazzarr, I give thanks for the progress we’ve made today, but… I must confess I grow weary of the constant bloodshed.  I fear that I do not understand its purpose, or where I fit in to the cosmic gears.”  The minstrel-priest takes a deep breath, musters a false smile and heads back inside to rejoin the celebration.  When he comes back inside, the Einherjar are all drinking and eating and bragging about the deeds they accomplished on the field during the day’s battles.  Morn makes the rounds, slipping in boasts of our exploits in response to those of the hardened warriors.  Every so often, it is possible to pick out snippets of conversation over the din of the massive timbered chamber…

"Oh, Magne's dead. I accidentally pushed him under a Jotun and he got stomped on and I've felt so guilty, I've been carrying him around all day. Oh, Magne you're alive! He's alive guys. What was the question again?"

"Farming was much harder in real life than the afterlife."

“Me and him went to the shops…found some damn fine cheese!”

As the warriors of Asgard continue to laugh and joke, their boisterous afterlife full of adventure and fighting and feasting, it is easy to see how much they enjoy what they do and the camaraderie they have found with each other.

Kysek slips away to find an unobtrusive corner and unpacks the tome filled with ones and zeroes and begins reading it, making notes on loose scraps of paper torn from the spellbooks of slain enemies.  He soon discerns that each set of numbers corresponds to a single letter from the Common alphabet.  He feeds his owl Bubo while he works, so engrossed in his work that the tumult of Valhalla fades to little more than dull background sounds.  He does not even notice when Niklas joins him at the table.  The woodsman’s eyes wander across the hall, looking for anything that may pique his interest.  Desmond comes over a minute later and joins in on the feast.

Korbin flits from table to table, sampling wares and picking at choice morsels.  He gives a single flap of his wings and glides over to the table where Niklas and Kysek are seated and begins looking over the loot piled atop it.  “I don’t know if we are claiming things yet, but I call dibs on the Opal ring.”

Ra’ziir holds up one hand, “Let’s find out what these things are first and see if any of it is worthwhile.”  Grotto circulates through the group, carting around a massive tray of food and drink, searching for a rod that was claimed after the first day of battles and finally learns that it is in Kysek’s possession. 

Shadow tracks down Ra’ziir and the two begin talking about trading spells so they can prepare a greater arsenal or different tactics for dealing with the Jotuns when they return.  The bladesinger replies that they should probably bring Kysek in on this conversation and becomes agitated when the giants are mentioned.  He mutters a long string of profanity regarding them, ending his tirade with a prediction that Loki will have the Jotun will switch tactics by morning.  Raven nods, having caught the end of the conversation as he came to learn if any of the spellcasters had come up with a plan to repair his damaged bracers and adds, “Yesterday, we fought several small battles.  Today was a single long and grueling one on multiple fronts.  Bring the giants, I say, they can all die by my blades.”

Drax eats well but does not participate in any of the frivolity raging around him.  Instead he finds a place where he can put his back to a wall and begins cleaning and honing his blades, the ritual putting him a meditative state that lets the noise of the hall wash over him and reflects on the seemingly endless war of Valhalla and cycle of violence.  A smile spreads across his face as he wonders if Loki has a price on his head.

After his meal, Arthur steps outside for some air just in time to see a thick-set, heavily muscled figure in scaled armor approaching with a massive club carried over one shoulder.  Arthur recognizes him, even from a distance as Ægir, the sea god.  A woman, easily 30’ tall with pale skin and black hair reaching the small of her back, walks beside him.  She wears a shawl made of fishing nets and a dark skirt that only barely preserves her modesty.  Nine younger girls follow in their wake, carrying a cauldron between a pair of stout poles.  The god comes to stop in front of Malazzarr’s First (and thus far only) Paladin and speaks, “This is my wife and our daughters.  We have words for those who fought alongside me this morning.  Take me to them.”

- - - - -
The items taken from the bodies include the following:

12 Chain Shirts, Spears, Daggers, Cloaks, and Boots taken from the Svartaflar
3 Scrolls (2 arcane, 1 divine)
Heavy Steel Shield that is warm to the touch
Brass Ring set with a Fire Opal
A suit of Dark Green Leather Armor covered with dull gray metal studs – the leather is embossed with runes of protection and elemental sigils

This is in addition to the 35,224 gp and 3565 pp.
= = = = = =
• Arthur: 100% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Desmond: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health;
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Hansuke: 100% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; by morning half of the Tome will have been read
• Morn: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 100% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health
• Shadow: 100% health;
• Spewer: 100% health


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