Day Four of the Odinsleep (The Battle is Won)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (5pm)

Idunn raises one hand and points it at the Jotun.  The goddess summons her will and concentrates.  A beam of light with the full power of the sun pours forth, striking the giant.  The brilliant light blinds the brute and sears his flesh, leaving a deep smoking wound in his chest.  The Jotun staggers, flailing around with its free hand and grabs the top of the goddess’ summoned stone wall to keep from falling over the edge of the battlements as Korbin turns in a sharp arc and races back into the fight.

The crow’s dagger scores a deep cut along the edge of the Jotun’s throat.  The gout of blood that pours forth isn’t a mortal wound but the pain provides yet another distraction as Arthur moves in and strikes with the strength left to him.  His holy blade flashes, slicing three deep gouges in the monster’s legs.

Drax rolls over the debris and sinks his twin shortwords into the Jotun’s ankle, tearing a deep wound in its Achilles tendon and bringing the giant crashing down onto its hands and knees.  One final slash finishes opening the wound Korbin inflicted and the Jotun’s eyes go dim as its collapses into death.

With the monster finally defeated, Raven’s rage leaves him.  The elf collapses, feeling completely depleted.  The rest of the group looks around and finally, with no enemies in sight are finally able to breathe easily for the first time since early this morning.  They notice that Loki’s army has fallen back to regroup a few miles from Asgard’s wall and that the sun is sinking slowly toward the western horizon as a light snow begins to fall upon the plain.
= = = = = =
• Haste – all except Korbin and Raven (3 rounds remaining)

• Arthur: 51% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 70% health; True Seeing  (9 minutes, 4 rounds remaining); Displacement (6 rounds remaining); Tiger from the Bag of Tricks (62% health, 9 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Major Image (Concentration plus 3 rounds)
• Desmond: 94% health;
• Drax: 71% health;
• Grotto: 100% health; Fly (6 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)
• Hansuke: 62% health;
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 77% health; Stoneskin (90%, 99 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)
• Morn: 100% health;
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 55% health;
• Ra’ziir: 34% health; Fly (15 minutes, 7 rounds remaining), Giant Size (+16 Str/-2 Dex,/+4 Con, +3 Nat AC/-2 hit and AC from size; sword damage increases to 3d6+21; 4 rounds remaining); Stoneskin (73%, 209 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 100% health; Overland Flight (16 hours, 58 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Stoneskin (100%, 169 minutes, 1 rounds remaining), Monster Summoning VIII (9 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health


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