Day Four of the Odinsleep (Korbin's Questionable Advice)

Day Four of the Odinsleep (8pm)

Ægir rolls his eyes and clears his throat.  Ran steps back to take her place beside her husband.  “Our daughters have brought mead for our hosts, aged for a thousand years, in barrels built from the wreck of Brunhilde's fleet,” the god looks at Shadow for a moment, “it's not meant for mortal men.”

“So the mead will kill me if I drink it?”  Shadow asks.

“Nay, but it is strong enough that you may wish it had come the morrow.” Ægir replies.

Niklas, who has been watching with rapt fascination, exclaims quietly, “I have got to get my hands on some of that!”

Shadow makes eye contact with the sea goddess and smiles widely.  He composes himself before turning to her husband, “Thank you for these blessings you have bestowed upon my companion, Raven, and I.  This will be a day and night long remembered.  Will you and your family be staying for the party?”

Ægir says no, that he and his family must return to their island and maintain their nightly vigil.  Raven simply thanks the sea gods and departs, hoping to catch up to Korbin so he can ask more about what the crow’s dreams showed him. 

Morn, proud to see that his companions are receiving recognition for their efforts, is about to begin a song when Cedron jumps up onto a table and begins stomping his feet and clapping his hands to set the rhythm to a tune and encourages those nearby to join.  Over the roar of the crowd, a handful of phrases can be heard…

“You got mud on yo’ face
Ya big disgrace
Kickin’ your can all over the place…”

Grotto, feeling the rhythm of Cedron’s song, jumps onto the nearest table as well.  He throws a wink at the nearest Valkyries as he joins in on the chorus, thrusting his hips in time with the music.

Korbin flies around and hears Grotto’s song.  He alights near the scarred dwarf and caws in his ear, “You know the stories where we’re form.  Birds give wisdom to lost soldiers and all that.  Well, here is some for you, ‘love is blind’.  There has to be at least of these people blind or blind enough from either battle or consumption to see past your scars.”

Grotto nods, “No wiser words have ever been spoken.  Wait…am I drunk or are you different somehow?  Did you wax your feathers?”

“No wax, but I am bigger.  Now, go find yourself a blind servant or something.”

“Aye, Bird!”  Grotto burps, “And may you find a fat chicken at the hen house!”

Ra’ziir and Kysek flip through the spellbooks of his companions in search of magic that would conceal and protect Kysek’s body in the event he managed to possess one of the Jotuns.  The closest thing they are able to find is a handful of illusions that may hide him but will still leave his body unprotected if it is discovered. 

Kysek sighs in frustration, sets the spellbooks aside and returns to reading his tome filled with ones and zeros.  Raven reaches the table, eyes the pile of loot once more and, discovering that Korbin has flown off to attend his own interests, announces that the group should get to work investigating the properties of the gathered treasures and turn in for the night, "The battle begins again early tomorrow after all..."

Drax ignores it all, sinking deeper into his meditation state, tuning out the noise, the odors, the jostling and carrying on of the Einherjar, the Valkyries, and even his companions as he seeks the calm center of his mind.

Outside, Arthur continues to wander the grounds surrounding the mead hall, soaking in the evening air and watching as the nightly snow begins to fall.


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