
Genome /jee-nohm/

  • full set of chromosomes; all the inheritable traits of an organism
     • a conglomerate of genetists playing God and conducting insane experiments in the name of "SCIENCE!"

The Gegnomes are an organization of gnome genetists. They offer a wide range of services, including cloning, gene-splicing, and other forms of genetic manipulation. They have created a wide range of humanoid/animal hybrids in their secret laboratories. There is a special division that deals in cybernetics and another that labors to reanimate the dead.

• have been based in Germany since the 1940s - headquarters in Dresden (in the Forgotten Realms, they would be based in Lantan; on Krynn, Mt. Nevermind, and so on)
• developed and implemented Eugenics programs for the Nazis during World War II
• derisively referred to as "Gnazis" or "Little Lethal Lawn Gnomes".
• main building is shaped like a double helix
• Hat Color indicates department:
          • Red - Medical
          • Blue - Cyber
          • Black - Necromancy
          • White - Admin

Typical equipment includes:

Access Card; Hands-free Comlink; Datapad; Flash-resistant Goggles; Fire and Acid resistant Lab Coat (ignores 5 points of acid/fire damage per round until it takes 15 total damage); Luger Pistol (in shoulder holster with 2 full magazines); BioTech RFX/K Medisensor

Craft Gegnome Compound
Prerequisites: Craft (Pharmaceuticals) 7 ranks, Knowledge (Genetics) 7 ranks, Research 7 ranks, studied with the Gegnomes

You are capable of creating a chemical compound that bestows a template upon its recipient with a successful Craft (Pharmaceutical) and Knowledge (Genetics) check. This chemical takes 1d4+1 rounds to take effect and lasts 2d4 hours.

Base DC: 10 +1/subject's HD and Character level
Instantaneous effect: +5 DC
+0 CR template: +1 DC
+1 CR template: +2 DC
+2 CR template: +4 DC
+3 CR template: +6 DC
Duration increases to 2d4 days: +5 DC
Duration increases to 2d8 weeks: +10 DC
Duration permanent: +15 DC
+2 DC per template subject has already gained.

The results of a failed check are at the DM's discretion but options should include "Nothing Happens", ""Temporary Success", "Uncontrollable Change", and "Poisoned", among others with greater severity corresponding to higher Craft DCs.

The Wealth check to make the compound is twice the DC to create it.

Using the Gegnomes in your campaign:

I primarily envision the Gegnomes sending adventurers out to acquire samples to be used in the Crafting Gegnome Compound process. Can't make a Half-Dragon without some ingredients!

Alternatively, adventurers (or the idle rich) could come to the Gegnomes as customers, looking for an edge in combat or simply as a means of flaunting their wealth to rivals in their social circles.


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