Titanium Cranium

A long time ago, I came up with the idea of a campaign involving different generations of characters. This would be a story that would unfold in chapters with callbacks to previous adventures. NPCs, both helpful and antagonistic, would show up repeatedly over the course of years. The campaign would begin during the American Revolution and move forward through the Old West, Prohibition, World War II, the 1950s, Vietnam, and then the 80s.

Titanium Cranium (a.k.a Amos Whitmann): male
Gadgeteer 2/Metahuman 2
CR: 6     Medium Humanoid (Human, Mutant)     HD: 2d8+4 plus 2d8+4 (28 hp)
Init: +1     Spd: 30'     AC: 11 (+1 Dex); t: 11, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +2; Grap +2); +2 Unarmed Strike: 1d3 (20/×2) or +2 Head Butt: 2d4 (20/×2) or +3 Sonic Blaster: 1d4+1 (20/×2, 100', max 480')
SA: Class Features, Mutant Abilities
SQ: Class Features, Mutant Abilities
Align: LG     Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6
Str: 10, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 27, Wis: 8, Cha: 10
Skills: Read/Write and Speak English; Craft (Computer Programming) +10; Craft (Electrical) +10; Craft (Gadgeteer) +10; Craft (Mechanical) +10; Drive +5; Knowledge (Mathematics) +12; Knowledge (Military Protocol) +13; Knowledge (Superhumans) +13; Listen +4; Profession (Physicist) +6; Research +15; Science (Aerospace Engineering) +10; Science (Astrophysics) +19; Science (Physics) +12; Search +10, Spot +4;
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Blaster Pistols)(b), Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Link (Science - Astrophysics)(b), Weapon Focus (Sonic Blaster)
Gear: Sonic Blaster (Level 2, Energy: 14), Fully-stocked Science Lab

Height: 5'9"     Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair: Metallic Silver     Eyes: Silver (including pupils and sclera)     Age: 30
Appearance: Amos's entire body, including his hair and eyes, were turned into a silvery metal by his exposure to a meteorite. He typically wears casual business clothing with a lab coat.

Personality/Background: Amos was born in the 1930s. His father was a veteran of the Great War and his mother was a schoolteacher. When WWII broke out, his father died in a factory accident. Amos's mother was afraid of losing him as well so he grew up sheltered, having little contact with children his age so he is somewhat naive and socially awkward, being more comfortable with books and his studies than his peers. He excelled in college and soon after graduation was hired by Strategic Scientific Reserve. While conducting an experiment on a meteorite with a sonic oscillator, fragments of the space rock shattered and embedded themselves in his skin. The energies altered him physically and mentally, increasing his intelligence and turning his skin into a tough but pliable form of metal. He was transferred into the Army, where he has been training to protect America from Communists.

 Racial Abilities: Bonus feat at 1st level, +4 skill points at 1st level, +1 skill point/level after 1st, Class with highest level is favored class for multi-class purposes; Mutant - gain 3 "levels" worth of power (3 standard or 1 improved and 1 standard), Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional "level" of power), Evolved Metabolism (+4 bonus on initial Energy score), LA +1, gains Metahuman as a bonus Favored Class

• Class Abilities: Proficient with Simple Weapons and Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, Free Proficiency (Blaster Pistols); Tinkering; Gadgeteering (1, Standard); 1 bonus Power or Metapower feat, 1 Power Enhancement; Chosen Metahuman Class Skills (Knowledge - Military Protocol; Research; Science - Astrophysics)

Powers: 20 Energy
Standard Damage Reduction (Ex): Amos's metallic skin provides DR4 vs all non-mental attacks.
Ultra Meta-Intelligence (Ex): Exposure to the strange energies of the meteorite increased Amos's intelligence, granting him a +12 bonus to his Intelligence.
     Amplifier: Perfect Navigation - Amos can never become lost. Even if rendered unconscious and transported to an unknown location, he will know where he is as soon as he can get a look at the stars.
Standard Natural Weaponry (Ex): Amos is capable of delivering a head butt that deals 1d6 damage.

Sonic Blaster Pistol*: Level: 2, Damage: 1d4+1 (Energy Cost: 1, Range: 100', Max Range: 480') - deals no damage in a vacuum; halves the Hardness of inanimate objects and brittle items as if they had been affected by a Shatter spell. Most of the damage dealt is physical (through vibration) so deafness does not protect against the attack, targets struck must make a Reflex save (DC11) or suffer a -2 penalty on all hearing-related checks for 1d4 rounds.
     * The original Paragon rules grant a Reflex save against all Energy Blast attacks but since an attack roll is required to hit, I felt like a save for half damage nerfed this ability too much so the Saving Throw only applies to special effects related to the power.


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