Hansuke: The Legend Continues; Despite All My Rage, My Hands are Locked in a Cage

16 Feb 1371 02:00:00 (2621 Shou calendar)

Geylan turns in first. He has his hands and wrists locked in what basically looks like an iron birdcage. The samurai, Jug, places a blanket over the cage, concealing the hands within and the monk lies down to sleep. Jaleda sinks to the ground in the lotus position and closes his eyes.

Hansuke’s eyes narrow, “I have two questions. First, what light source are you talking about and secondly, why are you locking your hands in a cage?...

The other monk sighs, “There was a brilliant beam of light that shot down from the heavens and struck the earth somewhere not far from here. We seek the location where the beam touched the ground. As for my hands, it is just a precaution. I assure you there is nothing to worry about.”

With that, the bound monk lay down and closed his eyes, surrendering himself to sleep. The samurai with the antler-horned helmet moves a short distance away and settles himself into a comfortable position, one that will enable him to react quickly should danger arise. While he does not blatantly stare at Hansuke, the tattooed Hengeyokai monk is well aware of the warrior’s scrutiny upon him.


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