Kangaroo Jack

"Hit the Road, Jack" was playing on the radio this morning.  I caught just enough of the song to send a cavalcade of "Jacks" streaming through my head...Jack and Diane, Jack Daniels, Captain Jack Sparrow, Wolfman Jack, Jack-in-the-Box, Jack Jack, Kangaroo Jack... no, random thoughts, don't stop there!  Keep going...!

Too Late.

I guess I'm writing about Kangaroo Jack today...


Kangaroo Jack, despite what the trailers would have you believe, has more in common with “Eight Heads in a Duffle Bag” than a movie like “Babe” or “The Incredible Journey”.  The movie is a pretty bad organized crime “comedy” (I use quotes because comedy in this case is highly subjective).  The talking kangaroo that is so prominently featured in the preview is pretty much limited to a single hallucinated scene and another one near the end of the film.  (We will not be touching the animated sequel at all for purposes of this article).

To be clear, the Movie IS NOT About a Talking Kangaroo.

But, the idea of the talking kangaroo as a character has been plaguing me for most of the day.  With no further ado, here is yet another weird NPC that may someday make his way into my campaign.

Default Kangaroo
CR: 1
Neutral Medium Animal
HD: 3d8+12 (22 hp)
Init: +2
Spd: 40’ (8 squares)

AC: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural); t: 12, ff: 11
BAB/Grap: +2/+10
Attacks: +6 2 Kicks: 1d6+4 and +3 Punch: 1d6+2
SQ: Low-Light Vision, Scent
Str: 18, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 2, Wis: 10, Cha: 5

Skills*: Balance +4, Jump +19, Listen +2, Spo t +3
Feats*: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike

• Skills: Kangaroos receive a +2 racial bonus on Balance checks and a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks.

Kangaroo Jack (a.k.a. Jackie Legs)
CR: 1
Neutral Medium Animal
HD: 3d8+12 (29 hp)
Init: +2
Spd: 40’ (8 squares)

AC: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 natural); t: 12, ff: 11
BAB/Grap: +2/+10
Attacks: +6 2 Kicks: 1d6+4 and +3 Punch: 1d6+2
SQ: Low-Light Vision, Scent
Str: 18, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 8

Skills: Balance +5, Jump +15, Listen +3, Perform (Comedy – Impersonations) +0, Perform (Singing – Rap) +2, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness, Improved Grapple

Possessions: Zippered Red Jacket with “Brooklyn” written across the chest in stylized white letters, pocket full of candy, 1 pair of sunglasses

* This webpage lists kangaroos as having the Improved Unarmed Strike feat instead of Alertness (as reflected in the default entry above), presumably to meet the prerequisite for Improved Grapple but with the punch being listed as a Natural Attack (as an animal), I do not think that it is actually needed.  If you insist, then include it as a bonus feat but I wouldn’t bother.

Kangaroo Jack (a.k.a. Jackie Legs)
AC: 8
MV: 18
HD: 3
Hp: 16
Saves: PPD: 13; RSW 15, PP: 14, BW: 16, Sp: 16
THAC0: 17 (+1 hit/+2 dmg from Strength)
# Att: 3 (kick/kick/punch)
Dmg: 1d6/1d6/1d4

Str: 18, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 11, Cha: 8

Wpn Prof: Punching Specialization (2 slots), (gains +1 hit/dmg/chart bonus)
Nonwpn Prof: Comedy, Singing

SA: - -
SD: - -
SZ: M (5’ tall)

ML: Average (10)
Xp Value: 35

Climate/Terrain: Arid Plains
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary or Mob (himself plus mate and two offspring)
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Herbivore
Treasure: Incidental (as described above)


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