Lawyer Dog - Another Weird NPC for My Campaign

I have yet another weird NPC for all of you today.  While digging through some of my old notebooks the other day, I came across this character.  I finished filling in some of the details and am presenting it to all of you now.  I hope you enjoy.

"So the cat shredded the drapes?  I think we have probable claws."
— Lawyer Dog

Lawyer Dog
Male Upright Corgi Dog Expert 1
NG Small Animal
Init: +3, Senses: Listen +5, Spot +1; Low-Light Vision, Scent
Languages: Read/Write Common and 2 others

AC: 16 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural); t: 15; ff: 13
Hp: 8 (1HD)
Immune: - -
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Spd: 40’ (8 squares)
BAB/Grap: +0/-9
Melee +2 Bite: 1d3-1 (20/x2)
Combat Gear: - -

Str 9 (-1), Dex 17 (+3), Con 15 (+2), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 9 (-1)

SA: Cross-Examine/Objection
SQ: Low-Light Vision; Scent; Skill Versatility, Upright Animal Template

Feats: Skill Focus (Knowledge – Local), Track (b)
Skills: Diplomacy +3, Gather Information +3, Jump +7, Knowledge (Local) +9*, Listen +5, Profession (Lawyer) +5, Search +4, Sense Motive +3, Survival +5 (additional +4 to track by scent), Swim +1

Possessions: 8-oz. Ink Vial, Journals, Masterwork Artisan's Tools (Set of Law books), 10 Inkpens, 1-month average lodging (paid), Belt Pouch, Chest with Average Lock, 2 Scholar's Outfits

Height: 10” (at shoulder)     Weight: 27 lbs.     Hair: Tan and White Fur     Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Lawyer Dog is a corgi dressed in office attire, most commonly seen at his desk with his paws in a book.  He typically wears a blue suit with a white shirt and purple tie.

• Cross-Examine/Objection (Ex): With a successful opposed Knowledge check, Lawyer Dog may object to evidence presented or questions asked of his clients/witnesses as being inadmissible for a variety of reasons.  Additionally, he may attempt to confuse the opposing legal team's witnesses with opposed Diplomacy checks to get them reveal something they would otherwise attempt to keep hidden.

• Upright Animal (Ex): Lawyer Dog's front legs are functional arms with opposable thumbs, allowing him to manipulate objects and wield weapons.  He also has the ability to use human speech.  As with other 1HD creatures, his Class level replaces his racial HD at 1st level.
• Skills: Dogs have a +4 racial bonus on Jump checks, they gain a +4 racial bonus to Survival when tracking by scent
• Skill Versatility: Experts can choose any 10 skills as class skills.  Lawyer Dog's class skills are: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge (Local), Listen, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Survival, and Swim.
• Lawyer Dog's Knowledge (Local) applies to one major city in the area where he lives.  In the Forgotten Realms, this would be Waterdeep or Suzail, the City of Greyhawk on Oerth, in the Grimmlands, this would be Hamelin or Arendelle and on Earth-218, I would pick a major US city like New York City, Chicago, or Los Angeles.

AD&D Stats

Climate/Terrain: Any city
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary, although likely to be a member of a guild of like-minded professionals
Activity Cycle: Any, but billing hours are most often from 9am – 5 pm
Diet: Omnivorous
Intelligence: High (14)
No. Appearing: 1, 25% chance to accomanoid by 1d4 court scribes/functionaries
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 15
HD: 1+1 (6 hp)
THAC0: 19
No. of Attacks: 1
Dmg/Att: 1d4

Nonwpn Prof: Etiquette, Local History
SA: Nil

SD: Nil MR: Nil
Size: Small
Morale: Average (10)
Xp Value: 35
Gear: As above


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