Day Five of the Odinsleep (A Name Discovered)

Day Five of the Odinsleep (Just after 1:15 am, 5 hours 45 minutes until sunrise)

Morn yawns once more and excuses himself, declaring his entirely-too-human need for sleep, “If I don’t rest soon, I will be worthless on the morrow.  I must leave this in your capable hands.”  The bard retires for the evening and finds a spot not far from Arthur has laid himself down to rest and notes the ornate rod cradled in the paladin’s arm. 

“Ivaldi, your patience and generosity are appreciated.” Ra’ziir tells the dwarf.  Ivaldi, for his part, nods and focuses on haggling with Korbin over a suit of armor the crow wishes to have crafted, “I haven’ heared anythin’ that I canna do so far.  Th werk ya askin’ fer is more suited ta a apprentice than a smith a my skill though.  If that is all ya be after, then mebbe I should send ya to someone else.” 

The bladesinger confers with Shadow and Kysek, “I will look into the craftsmanship.  Shadow, you are going to continue looking into what was bound inside the gemstone.  Kysek, maybe your new book might have something to do with time?  I don’t know but none of us really need to sleep…” 

Kysek closes his tome, “This book thus far has not shown me any more in the likes of knowledge you currently seek.  I will look at the bracer, perhaps the answer is something already known but not yet thought of.”  He walks over to the workbench, Bubo riding on his shoulder and both elf and owl begin inspecting the strange mystic device.  As noted in previous examinations, there are runes that are commonly associated with protection and divination and the mage is able to isolate the ones that give Raven the prescience to avoid incoming attacks.  His owl hoots aloud a few times in agreement. 

Ra’ziir joins them and together they begin to remove the engraved circle that holds the cracked gem in place.  The stone is lifted from its housing while Kysek holds the spring down with a tension bar from his lock picking tools.  Shadow takes the gem and moves over by the fire to more closely examine it.  As Kysek and Ra’ziir continue poking around inside the bracer’s working parts, both some reach the conclusion that whoever made this thing must have been either an unparalleled genius or absolute madman, if not both.  Tiny wheels, springs and cogs are sandwiched between two layers of enchanted leather.  Miniscule brass threads are wound around pulleys and through the delicate workings within. 

Shadow holds the gem up to the flame, backlighting it and notices an engraving carved into the heart of the gemstone – a name, χρόνος.  The dark elf’s face broadens in a wide grin and he casts his mind back to his training at the magical school of Sorcere in Mennzoberranzan.  This gemstone is the focus of a sympathetic binding, the “Minimus Containment” version of the spell.  Nothing in his training or what he has experienced since then informs him of What exactly the creature might be but with its name, he would still be able to summon the beast. 

Grotto takes a break from weaving wire through his armor and prays to Hanseath, girding his magic for the battles he will surely face in the morning. 

As the late night is winding down and most of the party members have retired for the evening, the door to Völundr’s home swings open, revealing the goddess Idunn.  “I have come to speak with Cedron.  Where is he?”


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