Day Five of the Odinsleep (Idunn's Offer)

Day Five of the Odinsleep (Just after 1:15 am, 5 hours 45 minutes until sunrise)

While Kysek and Shadow continue inspecting Raven’s damaged bracer, the elf who unlike his fellows has never mastered the art of entering the Reverie, stands and yawns. He stretches fingers cramped and sore from the weaving of wire and walks several laps around the room to get his blood flowing again.

As the late night is winding down and most of the party members have retired for the evening, the door to Völundr’s home swings open, revealing the goddess Idunn. “I have come to speak with Cedron. Where is he?”

Grotto leaps to his feet, axe in hand, and ready to strike down the intruder as she comes into the common room of Völundr’s home until he sees who it is. He chuckles, perhaps uneasily, “Don’t scare me like that! I nearly chopped you in half!” The scarred dwarf smiles and motions with his thumb toward the seated priest minstrel-priest, “Cedron is over there.”

Cedron stirs from his slumber having succumbed to the days’ rigors and the fine feast of boar and mead hours before and rises, “By the gods…” he murmurs as he lays eyes upon the Goddess of Youth and the warmth radiating from her as she enters the room with Grotto by her side.

“My husband made a gift to Arthur and the Norns have passed their favor upon the crow they now call Kaniŋ, Ægir and Rán have granted a boon to two of your party. I feel as though I would be remiss if I were to not offer a gift to you.” The goddess falls silent for a moment and lets her gaze wander over the bard’s face, “Speak, is there anything you would ask of me?”

Upon seeing the goddess and hearing her words, Raven is filled with guilt that the time spent among these gods has caused him to neglect his own. He excuses himself, not waiting to hear Cedron’s response and heads outside. He gathers some small stones from the around the garden and arranges them in the shape of a small throne. He prays to Shaundukal, “Rider of Winds .... I have spent the last days in battle among strange gods and giants. I did not pay homage or give glory to your name when I arrived in this new world. I beg only, to live the next few days well. Lead me through this land as I strive to guide my companions safely home. I pray, show me a path that will make me a worthy servant of thee.”

Back inside, Kysek begins tinkering with the delicate mechanisms inside of Raven’s bracer. He uses his thieves picks to ensure that all of the gears and springs are properly aligned, making small adjustments where the thinks they are needed while Shadow looks on, “We have a name, χρόνος, but we know not who or what this creature is. It is late and this is not something to be rushed into without proper preparation. I bid you ladies goodnight!”

Ra’ziir nods, his mind traversing the paths of his training at the Bladesingers’ Academy in Evereska as he tries to recall if he has ever heard a name like that before but as of yet, nothing comes to mind. It seems that a visit to a sage or other learned source may be required.

Korbin and Ivaldi reach an agreement and their haggling draws to a close. The crow spreads his wings and glides over to the open window, ready to go search for an alchemist when the dwarf calls after him, “Whar ya be goin’, Bird? Tis the dark a night out there an’ only folk like us er the honored dead at the Mead Hall be awake still. Sit, smoke, sleep until morning. Aren’t any things ta be done until then anyway.”


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