Long Lost Friends (A Harrowing Escape)

12 Feb 1371 (1828 Grimmlands calendar)

(It turns out that I don't draw explosions very well).

Knives shouts the code word for a retreat as he reaches for the magical horn hanging from his belt.  The acrobat blows a long clear blast.  Fog pours from the horn’s open mouth, blanketing that area in a dense cloud while Chronosaj pulls a glass sphere from inside his heavy overcoat.  The gunslinger holds the sphere aloft, catching Knives’ attention and then hurls the glass at the burning bridge.  The brittle container shatters, exposing its contents to air and the flames.  A deafening explosion rips the night apart, sending splinters of wood flying all about. 

The three hounds, taken by surprise are momentarily deafened as the two thieves use the attackers’ distraction to slide down the riverbank and into the water.  The current sweeps them away, carrying them downstream and away from the immediate danger the transformed dogs pose. 

As the hounds regain their bearings, the Yellow and Black dogs both prepare to give chase but are ordered to halt by their White companion.  Nay brothers, we have not the time to do a chase.  The master arrives forthwith.  We must give a return to he.  The other two hounds continue to look downstream after the fleeing thieves but, with heavy sighs and obvious reluctance, agree to their leader’s pronouncement.  All three quickly change back into their canine forms and leap back across the river to silently wait for their master to catch up. 

The two rogues float along in the rapid current, allowing the river to carry them some distance from their pursuers.  After a few miles have passed, they paddle towards shore and emerge, wet and cold but with their freedom intact, their destination, still King Jack’s castle and then on to the Loomslag Peak Border Crossing. 

Knives laughs, “All of this fuss over a measly 6,000 silver pieces.  It’s not like there was even that much coin in the treasury to begin with after the old mayor blew it all on invisible clothing!” 

Chronosaj: 86% health
Knives: 66% health


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