Rocketeer II

Rocketeer II (Herman Kampfmueller, Major)
Male Human
LN Expert 1
Init: +1, Senses: Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English, French, and German

AC: 12 (Leather Jacket, +1 Dex); t: 11; ff: 11; -0 ACP
Hp: 10 (1HD)
Energy: 15
Immune: - -
Fort +3,Ref +2, Will +2

Spd: 30’ (6 squares), fly 180’ (good) (36 squares)
Melee +3 Unarmed Strike: 1d4+3 (20/x2)
Ranged +1 Pistol: 2d6 (20/x2, 20’)

Combat Gear: Mauser C96 Pistol, Cirrus X3 Rocket Pack

Str: 17, Dex: 12, Con: 14, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 14

SA/SQ: Class Abilities

Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (b), Nimble Fingers
Skills: Bluff +6, Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +8, Hide +4, Move Silently +4, Open Lock +7, Pilot +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Swim +6

Possessions: Insulated Leather Flight Jacket (provides +2 circumstance bonus to save vs cold weather), Khaki Pants, Blue Shirt, Leather Boots, Mauser C96 “Broomhandle” 7.63 mm Pistol (w/ two magazines with 10 rounds each); Cirrus X3 Rocket Pack, Flight Helmet, Compass, Thieves' Tools, Microphone Spy Watch Audio Recorder, Miniaturized Camera (and 2 rolls of film with 5 exposures)

Height: 6’4”     Weight: 210 lbs.     Hair: Blond     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Herman is the proto-typical German-American.  He is tall, has blond hair and blue eyes.  His shoulders are broad and he has a strong chin and chiseled jawline.

• Class Abilities: Proficient with all Simple Weapons plus Personal Firearms and Light Armor, Skill Versatility (choose any 12 skills as Class skills – Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pilot, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Swim)

• Cirrus X3 Rocket Pack (Hardness 6, Hp 8, Energy 11)
Improved Flight: the rocket pack grants flight (Level 8: fly 180’, good maneuverability, can hover, uses 1 energy/80 minutes); Flying the rocket pack requires as much concentration as walking, so Herman is capable of attacking or taking other actions normally.  He can charge but not “run” using the rocket pack and cannot carry more than 260 lb.  If carrying 87 – 173 lbs, flight speed drops to 80 and from 174 – 260 lbs his speed is reduced to 40.
                Amplifier: Hyperspeed (included above)
                Reducer: Unlike other versions of this power, this power does not fail slowly so when the energy runs out the pilot of the rocket pack falls instantly
                Reducer: Does not recharge, must be refilled with a mixture of Nitric Acid and Aniline – a process that takes almost two hours
• Flight Helmet: The flight helmet has a fin that helps the pilot steer while airborne.  Operating the rocket pack without the helmet imposes a -2 circumstance penalty on flight-related checks.  Additionally, instrumentation built into the helmet includes an airspeed indicator, altimeter, heading indicator, fuel gauge, and two-way radio.  Additionally, there is a small speaker that amplifies the Rocketeer's voice enabling him to be heard clearly through the helmet.  The lenses are polarized to protect from sun glare and other bright lights.

After the events of the movie (but before the events of the proposed sequel), Ambrose “Peevy” Peabody was recruited by the War Department to recreate the Rocket Pack for military use.  He did so and a new pilot, Herman Kampfmueller of Pittsburgh, a major in the US Army was selected to be its pilot.  His standard mission is to rocket into a given area, gather intelligence, and fly back out before being discovered.  His multilingualism and “German” appearance are two of the main reasons for his selection as the new Rocketeer.

In my campaign, Herman will be serving as an American spy during World War II the party can meet (along with some others) and have interactions with over the course of their own adventures.  I had considered giving him other spy gear but didn't want to stray too far in the direction of a cloak and dagger-style of play, preferring one that is more straight up lantern-jawed heroes, fistfights, and pulp action.

This version of the Rocketeer was created using d20 Paragon rules.

Other versions of the Rocketeer II: For D&D, AD&D or any other fantasy medieval setting, this becomes a matter of presentation and the types of adventures you want to run.  Any low-level Fighter or Thief with a magical ring or cloak that allows the user to fly could be a stand-in for the Rocketeer as long as you have a despicable enemy (Orcs or Hobgoblins could stand in for Nazis) and are willing to play up the "pulp" flavor of the encounters you throw at your players.


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