The Dover Demon - A Modern Adventure Seed

It began on April 21st, 1977. Over the course of the next two nights, several teens would report sightings of an unidentified creature which eventually came to be known as the Dover Demon....

For those of you who have been following this blog, you know that I plan on having my campaign cross over with a modern setting. This adventure is set in that world but the scenario involved can be easily adapted to virtually any setting. 

• A Fraal ship is damaged in battle with a N'sss vessel and is forced to land. The pilot leaves to draw away any N'sss pursuers while his crew begins to work on repairs. The alien 👽 is seen by William "Bill" Bartlett, John Baxter, and eventually Abby Brabham (NPCs). 

Player Characters become involved as either representatives of the local authorities (perhaps from the Men in Black) charged with hunting the extraterrestrials (alternatively, helping the Fraal), amateur UFOlogists, or, for a change of pace play as a member of one of the alien factions (either rounding out the Fraal crew or playing as a N'sss hunter).


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