Quick Draw McGraw

Quick Draw McGraw is the sheriff of a small frontier town. His seeming fearlessness stems from the fact that he isn't smart enough to realize how dangerous the threats he faces are. He can often be heard saying "Now hold on there!" or "I'll do the thin'in' around here and don't you forget it!" On occasion, he will step outside of the law and act in the guise of El Kabong, a vigilante with a penchant for smashing criminals in the head with a guitar.

"Quick Draw" McGraw (a.k.a. El Kabong)
Anthropomorphic Horse Lawman/Vigilante

Spd: 50     Quick, +4 Speed mod
GAC: 42    Above Average, +2 Acc Mod
TAC: 30    Average, +0 Acc Mod
STR: 96    Powerful, 19 hp
BRA: 84    Very Brave, +3 Spd Mod, +10 Acc Mod
EXP: 35    0 Gunfights

AGE: 7 (Birthday: November 21st)
Height: 7'4"
Weight: 300 lbs.
Handedness: Right

Weapon     BSP/BAC     Range             RF/RR

DAR6          +12/52        4/10/20/40           3/3

Items Carried:
Double Action Revolver, Gunbelt and Holster with 20 round capacity, Red Stetson Hat, Blue Bandana

(As El Kabong): Black Cordovan Hat, Black Domino Mask, Black Cape, The Kabonger (4-String Quatro Guitar)*

* The Kabonger uses the hand-to-hand fighting rules with a -2 penalty to hit and a +2 bonus to damage with a 30% chance (70% if attacking from behind or with surprise) to Stun an opponent.

AD&D 2nd edition stats
Quick Draw McGraw (a.k.a. El Kabong): 
CG Anthropomorphic Horse male Fighter 2
Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Solitary or with Baba Looey
Activity Cycle: Usually Day
Treasure: See Gear below
AC: 7
MV: 24
HD: 2
Hp: 12
Saves: PPD: 14, RSW: 16, PP: 15, BW: 17, Sp: 17
THAC0: 19
# Att: 3/2 (Club) or 2 (Hooves) or 1 (Lasso)
Dmg: by Weapon or 1d4 (2 Hooves) or Entangle (Lasso)
Str: 18/50, Dex: 11, Con: 12, Int: 10, Wis: 8, Cha: 12
Won Prof: Club (Specialized), Lasso, Pistol
Nonweapon Prof: Musical Instrument (Guitar), Riding (Horse)
SA: Stunning
SD: Nil
MR: Nil
Morale: Champion (15-16)

Quick Draw McGraw (a.k.a. El Kabong)
CG Anthropomorphic Horse male Fighter 2
CR: 4     Medium Monstrous Humanoid
HD: 2d8+2 plus 2d10+2      Hp: 26
Init: +1     Spd: 50'
AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 Natural), t: 11, ff: 13
Attacks: BAB +4/Grap +8; +5 Pistol: 2d6 (20/×2, 15', semi) or +9 Kabonger: 1d6+4 (20/×2, 1d6+6 if used two-handed) or +5 ranged touch Lasso: Entangle

SA: None
SQ: Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Scent

Align: CG     Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2

Str: 19 (+4), Dex: 13 (+1), Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 10, Wis: 8 (-1), Cha: 12 (+1)

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common (English)
Skills: Handle Animal +3, Listen +4, Ride +3, Spot +4
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Quick Draw (b), Run, Weapon Focus (Club) (b)

Gear: Double Action Revolver, Gunbelt and Holster with 20 round capacity, Red Stetson Hat, Blue Bandana
(As El Kabong): Black Cordovan Hat, Black Cape, Black Domino Mask, The Kabonger (4-String Quatro Guitar)

Incorporating Quick Draw into your campaign: Most Boot Hill campaigns will not feature an anthropomorphic horse (and understandably so). In this case, Quick Draw is just a man. "They" say that he's got to be "half-horse or sumthin'" due to his great strength and stamina. His town makes a big show of being law-abiding and not given to the "Cowboy Justice" of other frontier towns, a trait that some criminals seek to exploit so McGraw will assume the identity of El Kabong whenever he needs to go "outside of the law".


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