Buzz Bee for D&D

Earth-218 is home to many unusual inhabitants. While the vast majority of the population is human, there are a number of outliers of different ancestral origins - most of whom find work in the advertising industry.

Buzz's origins are shrouded in mystery but he has been a long-time employee of the General Mills Corporation. In addition to his role as a advertising mascot, he is also a spokesperson for Heart Health and environmental issues, moat notably in support of bee restoration to combat Colony Collapse Disorder.

Buzz Bee 
male Anthropomorphic Honeybee Commoner 1
CR: ¹/²    Fine Monstrous Humanoid
HD: 1d4-1    Hp: 3
Init +2     Spd: 10', fly 30' (poor)
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +8 size), t: 20, ff: 18
Attacks: (BAB +0; Grap -21); +10 Honeydipper (treat as Fine Club): 1-5 (min damage 1)(20/×2)

SA: - -
SQ: Darkvision 60'

Str: 1, Dex: 14, Con: 8, Int: 12, Wis: 10, Cha: 12

Align: LG     Saves: Fort -1, Ref +2, Will +0

Skills: Listen +2, Profession (Spokesperson) +4, Spot +4, Survival +4 (to orient himself), Tumble +4*
Feats: Renown (see below), Weapon Finesse (b)

Gear: Clothing (Orange T-Shirt or Long-Sleeved Sweatshirt, Black Pants, White or Black and White Athletic Shoes), 3" Olive Wood Honeydipper, Jar of Honey

Height: 4.3"     Weight: .017 lbs (2.7 oz)
Hair/Fur: Bald head, yellow and black body fur
Eyes: Blue
Age: 33* (lifespan unknown but is considered to be a male adult in his physical prime)
Profession: Mascot for Honey Nut Cheerios

• Skills: Buzz may use the Tumble skill while flying to perform Special Maneuvers. Bees gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus to Survival checks to orient themselves.

• I do not use Reputation in my campaigns. Instead of the standard +3 bonus Renown would normally provide, it instead grants a bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidation checks directly.

* It will be 2012 on Earth-218 when that portion of the campaign begins.


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