The Longwatchers Association

Symbol: A sextant over a spyglass.

Background, Goals, and Dreams: The Longwatchers Association is made up of lighthouse keepers, harbor masters, cartographers, maritime officers, and the clergies of Selûne, Valkur, and Shaundukal. They seek to establish and maintain a system of navigation rules and consistent markings, even among differing nations, kingdoms, and bodies of water. They seek to create accurate nautical charts and inspect and repair buoys and other navigation aids. They would eventually like to chart all navigable waters. They are most active along the Sword Coast and Sea of Fallen Stars.

Enemies and Allies: The Longwatchers are opposed by the churches of Talos and Umberlee because they work at cross purposes. By the same token, they are supported by worshippers of Selûne, Valkur, and Shaundukal. Several mercantile organizations also provide assistance to the organization.

Members: The Longwatchers accept members of all races, especially those that have nautical interests.

Type: College
Scale: 16 (multicontinental)

Affiliation Score Criteria: Joining the Longwatchers is as simple as asking but to advance through the ranks takes significant effort and attention to detail.

Criterion                                                                                    Affiliation Score modifier
Character level                                                                              +½ level
Cleric of Selûne, 
Shaundukal, or Valkur                                      +2
Has 10 or more ranks in Craft (Cartographer), 
Knowledge (Geography), or Profession (Sailor)                         +2
Is a lighthouse keeper                                                                     +2
navigational chart to the organization                         +2
Donates navigational equipment (sextant, compass, etc)        +2
Clear navigational hazards from waterways                                 +2

Titles, Benefits, and Duties: As you advance within the organization, you improve your navigation abilities and gain access to maps that may lead to secret islands, treasures, or sunken vessels.

Score          Title: Benefits and Duties
3 or lower    No Affiliation
4 - 10            Novice - you can purchase equipment from the Longwatchers with a 20% discount
11 - 20         Quartermaster - you gain a +2 bonus to all checks regarding navigation or predicting the weather at sea
21 - 29         Navigator - you gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks made with Aquatic races
30+              Master Navigator - travel times of any ship course you plot are reduced by 25%

Executive Powers: Craft, Research, Trade


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