A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 14)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB)

“Thanks, Honey Bucket!” replies Cedron after plumber pony finishes explaining about the Elements of Harmony. “That’s very interesting. Do you think we’ll need their assistance?” 

The bigger horse pauses and frowns slightly before answering. "I don't think so. I get the impression that all of you are mighty warriors where you come from so I think we should be alright. Besides, I think the Element Bearers may have gone to Manehattan for some high society event." 

Kysek turns to Abacus and states, “You wear your pouch around you neck for spell components to be consumed. Yes? I’ve cast spells before meeting you and learning of this. I’ve also not taken one of your pouches to wear around my neck. If there is no need for what I do, where am I drawing components from? In our world we need both gesture and components most of the time. Perhaps here, we need one or the other?” The elf looks back as he boards the ferry and concentrates on the gate he sees there, thinking of the words to a simple cantrip and focusing his will on the desired effect. As Shackleford leans out to grab a hold of the gate, it swings shut before he can lay a hoof to it. The ferry-pony jerks his hoof back before it gets slammed in the gate and turns to look at Kysek. 

Abacus smiles widely, "That is exactly what I have been trying to tell you! Your mind, shapes the effect, not the gestures or the geegaws or even the words. They can shield your mind, creating a barrier between your consciousness and the energy you channel, especially with more powerful workings, but the principle remains the same!" 

Shadow floats an inch or so off the ground and “flies” onto the ferry.  He takes a spot near the direction we will be traveling and looks across the river. 

Shackleford's mouth drops open, "Are all of you magic? I've seen more tricks in the last five seconds than the entire rest of my life combined!" 

Grotto looks off into the distance both upstream and downstream as the group crosses the river. He allows his mind to drift with the flow of the river. He feels his thoughts waxing poetic as he lets them wander. The party rushes toward a future that has nothing but reminders of Grotto's painful past, torture, and enslavement. "Just one snack in the bakery would not have slowed us much. Anything to lengthen the time in this majestic form. Of course they with their beautiful bodies want to go back in such a hurry!" 

Grotto walks toward the edge of the ferry and stares deeply into the distance, feeling the yearning for nothingness. Grotto looks over his shoulder and shouts to his comrades, "Who do I have to have meet Hanseath to get this barge to move faster? Let's get moving before i get used to this pony body! If you can't beat them join then I suppose!" thinks Grotto. The dwarf-turned-pony then walks away from the edge of his mental void to the middle of the party to blend in and disappear. An unblemished body can't hide a scarred mind. 

While Shackleford may not know who Hanseath is, Grotto's implied threat of sending someone to meet that god if the ferry doesn't get moving and quickly AND soon is understood easily enough. He takes his place on the treadmill and "gets to stepping," propelling the ferry out into the river.

Ra’ziir finds a good spot on the ferry and waits patiently for Shackleford to get the vessel underway. 

Niklas approaches the treadmill looking device and checks it out before moving to the side to continue monitoring their surroundings. For just a fleeting moment, his nostrils catch the a hint of a scent of blood, there and gone, swept away on a breeze. 

Raven also gives the treadmill a quick once-over to see if there is anything in the design that the Coberal Trust Company could incorporate into their businesses for when he finally returns to Banshee's Point. 

Between the ranger and the elven swordsman, they can see that a walking path runs just beneath the deck, attached to a pair of waterwheels. Walking on the path turns the wheels, which provide propulsion. A thick hawser anchored on both sides of the river passes through an elevated chock serves as a line that keeps the ferry on course, alleviating the need for a helm or rudder. 

As Nik pokes around, he notices that one of the barrel tops isn't sealed properly.
- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 80% health; 
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 59 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)


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