A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 13)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB)

Kysek turns to Abacus and says, “I told you we may be able to assist in your research. What may look crazy to you has worked for my spell casting since we arrived here. You assist us in getting home; and we can help you learn the answers you seek along the way.” 

Ra’ziir answers Abacus’s question simply “Habit I guess…” before nodding to Shack and stepping onto the ferry. 

Abacus shakes his head, "No. That's what I am trying to tell you! You don't HAVE to do that. Just concentrate, focus your magic through your horn. There is no need for the theatrics. If you aren't careful, you'll put someone's eye out!" 

"Ahoy, sailor!" Quips Grotto, "What is the toll to cross?" The burned and scarred dwarf's spirits are high as the self-consciousness about his burns fade into there background. "Those druids are really on to something with their animal form!" His mind drifts, for the first time in a long time, a simple daydream and not a hallucination brought on my alchemical intervention. He muses, "To be a perfect steed for Hanseath! Would that be possible? A great war horse I would be!" The voices of his companions draw him back to the present and he boards the ferry, without realizing that if the ferry-pony answered, he didn't hear. Grotto clears his throat and shakes his head, focusing on the matter at hand... returning to his own plane of existence and the misshapen form he wears there. 

Cedron takes note of the six elements of harmony. “No doubt some aspect of the divine. A pony religion.” he quips. 

“Tell me more about these elements and the element bearers. Are they still around?” Cedron inquires with Abacus, as the others work on transportation. 

Honey Bucket nods, "Yeah sure, one has a clothing store, another has a nearby farm. They all have things to do that keep them around most of the time. Just a week ago, one of them convinced a dragon to move its lair away from town because it's smoke was making it hard to breathe!" 

“Ahoy!” Shadow says kinda sheepishly as he is not as nautical as the rest of the group.  He prances up to the ferry and listens as the others discuss passage.  He concentrates on casting a flight spell and swishes his tail as he saw the others do.  “Surely I can do this” he thinks to himself.” 

Abacus groans as he watches the white-maned black pony twitch hus way through the spell. Shadow begins to float off of the ground. 

Shackleford's eyes go wide at the display of magic and he takes a cautious step back. "Th-that was incredible! I've never seen anypony outside of a pegasus fly before! You must be a master magician!" 

Raven boards the ferry, giving it a cursory examination as he goes and nods politely to the ferry-pony. 

While Abacus, Compass Rose, and Honey Bucket walk up the gang plank, Foil Hat pauses, "Seems to me like you are well off the beaten path to make a profit on this business venture. What prompted you to pick THIS location for your ferry, Shackleford Shore? If that is your name." 

"Whoa there! I'm just trying to make a decent living here, buddy! The bridge that was here got washed out awhile back. I'm just filling in until a new one is built!" Shackleford replies. 

Foil Hat scowls, "A likely story," he mutters before Compass Rose pushes him along. "Please, excuse my friend here, he was raised without the benefit of manners." 

Niklas follows the group onto the ferry. He listens to the conversation amongst the others while surveying their surroundings for signs of trouble.

- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 80% health; 
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (19 hours remaining)


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