A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 15)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB) 

Ra’ziir keeps an eye out for potential dangers both in the water and along the banks. 

Cedron looks forward to where the ferry is heading, and observes the water beneath the boat. As we travel, the minstrel-priest sings a little shanty to hopefully raise the spirits of his friends and traveling companions. 

“Come get your duds in order
  For we're going to leave tomorrow
Heave away, me jollies, heave away
Come get your duds in order
  For we're going to cross the water
Heave away me jolly boys, we're all bound away…” 

Raven nods in approval of the treadmill setup, thinking that this might work for short, in-harbor runs although he would probably still want a wheel for steering instead of the set track created by the hawser. 

Grotto makes his way over to Shackleford, "Sorry 'bout what I said back there. Didn't mean to come across like that. You're doing a fine job." 

Shackleford smiles and replies, "No worries. I can tell that you are just anxious to reach your destination." He holds up one of his front hooves, "Hoof bump?" 

Grotto nods and starts to raise his own hoof in response when he hears Niklas  ask, "Does anyone else smell that? I’m picking up blood in the air." The ranger turns toward Shackleford asking “What products do you transport on this vessel?” as he “clumsily” knocks over the barrel with the unsecured lid. “Whoops, I really need to be more careful…” 

As both ranger and dwarf lean over to check the spilled contents, they discover the body of a pony. 

One that looks EXACTLY like Shackleford! 

As they turn back, they see the ferry-pony's shape change as he leaps over the side. There is something vaguely insectoid about whatever the creature is, at least until it's hind legs fuse into a fish tail and it resembles something akin to a hippocampus before splashing down in the river and disappearing from view.

- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 80% health; 
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 59 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)


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