A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 17)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB) 

Grotto looks at Abacus with a furrowed scowl. A loud snort blows out of his pointy pony nose in disgust. "Tell us all you know about these creatures while you still can! You have not been forthcoming since we agreed to follow you! Now once again, tell us what you know!" Grotto clops menacingly toward the pony hoping to intimidate some information from him. "How can we be sure you are not a shape shifter leading us to a trap!" 

Abacus looks back at Grotto, teeth clenched, amd snarls, "I have answered every question put before me. I have not sought to conceal anything from any of you and have even tried to teach your wizards an easier way to use their magic and yet, despite this, all I have received is accusations from you. If you haven't noticed, NONE of us wanted to enter these woods but we did it for you because you were travelers in need! So keep your threats to yourself because I have no problem with turning around and going back! You can find the castle and its magic mirror yourself!" 

Cedron stops his song, instead coming to check on the downed Shackleford Shore. Raven moves aside, taking Grotto's place on the treadmill. The brown earth pony is insensible, laying on the deck with his mouth slightly agape. The priest and Niklas look him over, searching for injuries and find no obvious wounds, only some slightly discolored patches of hair around the jawline. The ferry-pony, for all intents and purposes, seems... drunk, for lack of a better word. The only thing missing is the smell of alcohol. 

“What are your thoughts on what that thing did to this pony and how it took his image,” he asks Cedron. 

“We need to determine when this swap occurred.” Cedron holds up one hoof to ask Niklas to wait before saying aloud. “Grotto’s right! This looks like we’re being led into a trap. Stay aware my friends!” 

Compass Rose, still sitting slightly to one side of the real Shackleford, lets out a gasp and blushes slightly. "Um... fellas, I think he may have been havin' a visit with his Somepony Special, if you get my meaning. Those spots on his neck are from...uh, kissing." 

Ra’ziir searches his memory for anything that might help with the “changeling” while making his way to the steerage of the ferry. “Let’s get this thing tied up on the other side." 

Kysek also ponders for any knowledge he may have regarding “changelings” or anything similar. 

Ra'ziir is able to recall some of the mythology taught at the schools of magic in his and Kysek's home of Everska mentioned "Changelings" as fey who would kidnap newborns and leave a faerie child in their place. Kysek adds that these creatures could be revealed by the touch of iron and implements made of the metal would be left in or on cribs and bassinets to keep them at bay. 

Shadow floats above the boat and spins in place, scanning all around the ferry with his arcane sight, searching for any ripple in the water or bubble floating to the surface that could reveal this shapeshifting enemy. 

With Raven and Honey Bucket powering the ferry, the crossing is completed in less than a minute. Foil Hat makes the mooring lines fast to the dock but will an inefficiency that defines the phrase, "If you can't tie a knot, tie a lot." Raven looks mildly offended and steps in, remastering the line in a much more professional manner. 
- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 80% health; 
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 59 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)


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