A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 19)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB)

Niklas makes his way back to the group, “I believe our destination is ahead over a rope and plank bridge.”

Grotto looks at the Bridge with a suspicious mind. "We probably should not ask try to cross it at once. Our weight may be more than it can take all at once", he says to the group. "I'll cross first to be sure it can at least hold one at a time." Grotto then readies his fly spell in case the bridge gives way underfoot and gingerly treads lightly over each plank.

Shadow floats along beside Grotto, watching him in case the bridge gives out, and also to make sure that he doesn't cause any trouble.

Ra’ziir concedes to Raven’s request, but keeps his gaze on the Horse-Dwarf. He quietly says to Raven, “If that dwarf’s mental instability puts us in jeopardy, I will end him.” With that, Ra’ziir falls in line with the rest of the party and makes his way toward the bridge.

Kysek turns to Raven and replies, “Yes, some spells do use iron in our world. However; I haven’t been utilizing components in this world. I realize my concept may not be ideal but it’s the best I’ve got.” He then adds to the group, “If anyone has iron in their pouches, perhaps it would work better than this.”

Cedron addresses the group. “So are we planning on just leaving old Shakleford here drooling on himself? I know we’ve got places to see, and things to do; but I don’t think this pony," Cedron pauses to lift Shackleford's head before releasing it to flop back onto the deck of the ferry, "can handle much more horse-play.”

Seeing Cedron tending to Shackleford, Niklas approaches “Do you need assistance with him or are you just horsing around?!?! Seriously though, do you need anything?”

Compass Rose interjects, "I will stay with Shackleford until his mind is clear of whatever that thing did to him."

“Thank you Compass Rose. You’re a good pony," Cedron replies, "Any words of advice before we journey onward?”

"My dad used to say 'Relax your eyes and you will see the sailboat.' I'm not sure if that will help but it was nice meeting you. Be careful out there."

After hearing Compass Rose's offer to stay with the downed Shackleford, Raven asks Honey Bucket to stay with her as well. "If this castle really is our way out of here and we don't see you again, I thank you for the help you've given." He then proceeds to the bridge.

The bridge sways and creaks as the group crosses, one-by-one, startling a colony of fruit bats nesting in the chasm. The bright red creatures burst into flight, flapping and squeaking angrily before disappearing into the afternoon sky, but in less than a minute the entire party and their two remaining guides have made it to the other side.

The group crosses the open ground between bridge and ruined castle quickly. Rubble fallen from walls and parapet litter the blasted earth. Abacus gulps, "Over a thousand years and it still looks like this. The power unleashed must have been unimaginable." Foil Hat nods, "Celestia does raise the sun into the sky every morning. It took a dozen ponies before she came along, and it drained their magic completely to do so!"

Finally the party finds themselves at the bottom of a short flight of stairs leading up to double doors made of heavy wood and wrought iron. Most of the surrounding wall has been reduced to splinters of cracked stone but the steps and the door frame remain intact, beckoning the party forward.

- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 80% health;
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 58 minutes, 0 rounds remaining)


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