A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 18)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB)

Kysek turns to Raven and says, “Iron. Iron may be what we need. It would appear we have plenty with these ‘weapons’. If memory serves me correctly a simple touch with iron should reveal the true identity of any changeling.”

Raven motions everyone ashore, except for Cedron, Compass Rose, and the real Shackleford.  Once that is done, he replies to Kysek, "Thorgim is made of iron. It would be perfect for stopping this creature should it come back. Doesn't some of your spells use iron, like Enlarge or Hold?"

The elficorn slowly draws his borrowed short sword and first touches himself. He then touches the party members one by one to instill trust in our guides. As he gets to Grotto, he whispers under his breath, “For the sake of the gods, RELAX. We’ll figure this out. We always do.” He then moves on to the ponies who have joined the party. “This May or may not be definitive. At least it’s an attempt to set minds and nerves at ease.”

Abacus opens his mouth to say something but takes a deep breath and mostly keeps his silence, grumbling about how he is expected to know the location of every only rumored quasi-mythological creature in Equestria.

Ra’ziir glares at Grotto. “I’m not sure what has come over you recently. First, you were giddy with this new form. Now you seem paranoid and angry all the time. Mayhaps it’s YOU we should be concerned with?”

The Bladesinger in Unicorn form then takes a few steps toward the Dwarf-Horse and champs at a nonexistent bit. “And if your actions prevent us from continuing our journey and finding our way home, that changeling will be the least of your worries. Sort your s%@* Dwarf, or I’ll sort it for you.”

Grotto, not being one to back down, steps toward Raziir. "Watch your tongue while you still have one" he says.

Raven, having had several arguments with Grotto already, steps in between the two adventurers, "We have troubles enough without fighting amongst ourselves. Let’s all take a breath and let Kysek finish checking everyone."

Raven doesn't add, at least not out loud, that after spending almost twenty years forging weapons for the Riders of Mistledale, he has learned that "iron" and the steel found in weapons are not the same thing and, aside from perhaps laying some concerns to rest, Kysek's test may not accomplish what the elficorn is hoping for.

Honey Bucket and Foil Hat move off to the side once they are checked, waiting for the rest of the group to continue.

Drax continues to follow along with the group. The assassin feels very much out of his depth,  and is grateful to be traveling with some many learned scholars that might figure out how to solve their current predicament.

Following the group ashore, Nik knocks an arrow and scans their surroundings. He makes his way up a stony path that rises from the riverbank, snaking back and forth to a broad expanse of open ground. Just beyond the field, he sees a narrow chasm spanned by a rope-and-plank bridge and a short distance beyond that, he can see the minaret of a castle.

Cedron continues to work with Shakleford. He tries to get him to regain consciousness, so he can ask him a few questions. “Come on, chap! What’s the last thing ya remember?” Compass Rose follows up the priest's questions with splashes of water to Shackleford's face.

The ferry-pony's eyes open, glassy and unfocused, he coughs and sputters, his speech slurring, "Heeeeeyyyyyy.... where did she go? She was pretty." He looks up at the female Earth Pony and rubs his eyes, "Oh my head," he moans as he tries to get to his feet.
- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 80% health;
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 59 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)


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