Day Five of the Odinsleep (Master of the Wild Hunt)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; (12:06 pm)

With Spewer's prodding, Shadow turns his attention from the trap door and, upon hearing the sounds

of battle below, moves to the edge of the tower to investigate. He sees Grotto, Kysek, and Niklas gathered at the second floor window and quickly determines that, for now, they probably have the situation well in hand. He notes Raven's absence mutters, “Sounds about right,” and moves to the other end of the roof and peers over the side. He draws his rapier and dagger and whispers, “Anytime, Raven,” He is rewarded a moment later as the elf steps out into the open with both swords in hand roaring a challenge at the Jotun guard. The drow smiles, knowing that there are few things in the multiverse that are more deadly to giants than the elf and his cursed blade.

As the thunderous roar of the lightning blot fades, Ra'ziir focuses on his own magic and makes a swift gesture with one hand, “Magia dispelle,” he utters, flickering into view for just a moment as the spell is cast. He gathers the energy and releases it in the direction of Malekith while drawing Grumbar's Razor. Smoke pours from the blade as it comes free of its sheath and flies toward the Svartaelf. A lavender stone hanging from a slim chain around Malekith's neck flares to life as the bladesinger's spell hits. The gem blackens, turning gray, and crumbling to dust as it absorbs the magic. Ra'ziir rushes in behind the spell, committed to the attack.

He swipes with his enchanted obsidian blade. As he reaches the swirling ring of hailstones, Malekith strikes at him with the open palm of his free hand. The blow hits with the force of a warhammer on the side of Ra'ziir's face. His ears ring and lights dance before his eyes. The blow partially deflect Ra'ziir's attack but Grumbar's Razor does cut through the Malekith's doublet and opens a thin gasp on the Svartaelf's shoulder.

Niklas struggles to maintain his grip and realizes that precariousness of his position, begins edging around the side of the tower in an attempt to get to the other window. As the ranger moves, he whispers, “Rindenhaut”. His skin turns brown and takes on the texture of oak.

Drax remains pressed to the ceiling, studying the Svartaelf, surprised that the enemy's defenses were able to turn Ra'ziir's attack as well as they did and more surprised that an open-handed blow struck Ra'ziir as hard as it did The assassin moves forward, closing in on his mark, readying to launch the one critical blow that will end the fight instantly.

Grotto stumbles toward Cedron, leaping into fray, calling upon the power of Hanseath in an attempt to make Cedron large enough to escape the Svartaelf's grip. His stubby legs carry him through the fray and he reaches out with his holy symbol only for Malekith to reverse the swipe he had taken at Ra'ziir to backhand the scarred dwarf. The blow launches Grotto through the air with negligent ease.

With Niklas out of the way, Kysek moves into the room. He kicks off from the windowsill, propelling himself forward. He reaches the Svartaelf and, drawing Blackflame, attempts to strike. His invisibility is momentarily dispelled as he stabs with his shortsword but the blow falls short, failing to penetrate Malekith's defensive spell.

Cedron grits his teeth, forcing himself to not scream from the pain of the lightning bolt. He forces a laugh “Did you say your name was “MALEKITH THE WET NURSE? I am having a hard time hearing you over these whirling things.” The bard focuses as best as he is able, invoking the power of his god once more and his hands burst into divine flames. He grasps Malekith's wrist while commanding the Witching Cloak to envelope the Svartaelf's head. If Malekith is at all harmed by the flames, he gives no sign.

Malekith looks around, taking in the number of foes, both seen and unseen and reaches for the

hunting horn hanging from his belt. “I suppose enough of you have arrived. I had hoped to wait for the unstable swordsman and the black one but we can't have everything, can we?” He shifts backward about half of a pace and raises the horn to his lips and blows a single, long blast. Instantly, his body is sheathed in armor and a long, gleaming spear materializes in his free hand. His height increases to nearly 10' tall and his grip on Cedron seems even stronger than before.  As Drax looks on, he sees that every opening, every seam, every rivet in the armor is reinforced and fortified against attack.  More disturbingly, a portal flashes open behind the Svartaelf and howls begin to sound from within as a reddish ground fog begins to pour out of the extradimensional opening.

As the Jotun steps toward him, Raven bursts into motion, his rage driving him forward without any fear of his towering foe. Adamantite and cold iron blades flash. The elf rolls forward and slices through the back of the frost giant's boot, severing the tendon just above the heel. It parts with the sound of a snapping ship's hawser and the Jotun's leg gives out. The giant drops to one knee, roaring in pain as the elf's swords flash in silver arcs, chopping through the meat of both thighs and sending geysers of blood raining down upon Raven's head. The berserk elven swordsman's gleeful howls merge with the giant's pain-filled roars. The frost giant attempts to crush the elf flat by dropping bodily onto him but Raven's momentum has already carried him clear of the attack just as Shadow finally strikes.

The dark elf plummets like a hawk after a rabbit and drives his Phoenix-blessed rapier into the downed foe's kidney. His attack breaks the spell of invisibility he had cast upon himself as the Jotun begins pushing himself back up onto his feet.

= = = = = =

  • Bubo: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 4 rounds remaining),
  • Cedron: 112% health; Bless (12 minutes, 4 rounds remaining), True Seeing (11 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Bear's Endurance (11 minutes, 8 rounds remaining), Divine Flames (3 rounds remaining)
  • Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); Spider Climb (99 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
  • Grotto: 48% health; Bless (12 minutes, 4 rounds remaining), Protection from Evil (8 minutes, 4 rounds), Fly (8 minutes, 4 rounds remaining)
  • Kysek: (198 of 198) 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read, Bless (12 minutes, 4 rounds remaining)
  • Niklas: 76% health; Barkskin (49 minutes, 9 rounds)
  • Raven: 94% health; Bless (12 minutes, 4 rounds remaining), Bull's Strength (14 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
  • Ra’ziir: 91% health; Find the Path (118 minutes, 8 rounds remaining), Greater Invisibility (11 rounds remaining), Fly (16 minutes, 4 rounds remaining), Stoneskin (140 hp/169 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
  • Shadow: 97% health; Fly (15 min, 2 rounds remaining), Bless (12 minutes, 4 rounds remaining),
  • Spewer: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 4 rounds remaining)


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