The Forbidden Bridge of Fireball Island

Isla Niñapiluta is a small volcanic island covered in dense jungle.  There is a small settlement of humans living on the island. They are notoriously unfriendly, attacking outsiders on sight. They have one primary gods, Val-Kur, likely a bastardization of Viracocha and "The Son of Val-Kur" who is actually Val-Kur himself. 

Isla Niñapiluta: 

Capital: None
Population: 158
Government: Theocratic
Religion: Val-Kur, Son of Val-Kur
Imports: None
Exports: None, possibly Incan artifacts (see below)
Alignment: Neutral

History: The island was first settled between 1100 and 1350 AD.  These first immigrants were Polynesians and they were the ones to introduce the coconut palm to the island.  They supported their seafood diet with iguanas, sea birds, turtles, tomatoes, and peppers.  Following the collapse of the Incan civilization, refugees fleeing the mainland arrived and warred with the Polynesian inhabitants.  Eventually, a peace was established and the two peoples began to intermarry.  Marriage and procreation are strictly controlled to keep the population from outstripping the island's available resources.
    There are two bridges on the island.  The first bridge is the one that has come to be known as "Forbidden" to the few outsiders who have made if off of the island. A third, collapsed, bridge spans a crevasse and leads to a spider-infested peninsula that extends from the main island.  Lava tubes lead from the main island to a smaller island just off shore where the remnants of a wrecked ship lie.

    The island's inhabitants make offerings of gemstones to Val-Kur in exchange for his protection from outsiders. The island is home to aggressive bees, large spiders, and several tigers who made it ashore after the ship that was carrying them crashed on a nearby reef.

Using Fireball Island in your campaigns:

1. First off, just using the playing boards as a map to track the party's progress through an island jungle is awesome.
2. I plan on inserting Isla Niñapiluta onto Earth-218 into the Pacific Ocean about 25 miles north of the Galapagos Islands and 115 miles west of Ecuador.  Alternatively, you could place it in the Indian Ocean as home to a rather famous simian.
3. Your adventurers are drawn to the island is search of lost Inca treasure or other archeologically significant artifacts.  They are marooned here following a plane crash or ship sinking.  A survivor of a plane crash or shipwreck makes it back to the mainland, carrying tales of treasure and "savage natives". 
4. Enterprising (and unscrupulous) travel agents begin listing the island as an "untouched tropical destination" without making sure that the island was safe for visitors. The party must rescue hapless tourists before anything bad happens.
5. Had a player cancel on you? Break out Forbidden Bridge, Fireball Island (or one or more of its expansions) and go wild! 
6. *Edit* I have been informed that there is a D&D 5e tie-in. Check it out!

(The bridge looks so much longer from this perspective).

Vul-Kar: Demigod of Isla Niñapiluta, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Destruction 
Align: Neutral
Idol of Val-Kur
Race: Magma Paraelemental 
Divine Rank: 3
Homeland: Isla Niñapiluta, Paraelemental Plane of Magma
Sex: N/A, considered "male" by worshippers     Age: Immortal
Birthrank: N/A     # of Siblings: N/A

Height: 16' (but varies)     Weight: 5,309 lbs.
Appearance: Val-Kur appears as a large, fiery earth elemental with demonic features like pointed ears and sharp canine teeth. His eyes glow red and his body is surrounded by the shimmer of heat radiating off of it.

Str: 25         Fort +16
Dex: 8          Ref +7
Con: 19       Will +8
Int: 6            Init: -1
Wis: 11        Spd: 80', burrow 80'
Cha: 11

Armor Class: 19 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +8 natural, +3 divine), t: 11, ff: 19
Hit Dice: 15d8+60 (180 hp)

Attacks: (BAB +11; Grap +22); +17 2 Slams: 3d8+7 plus 2d6 fire (19-20/×2)

Racial Abilities: Darkvision, Divine Traits, Elemental Traits, Earth Mastery, Immune to Fire, Push, Vulnerability to Cold 

Divine Abilities: Communication, Divine Aura (DC13, 30' radius), Divine Immunities, Divine Portfolio, Divine Senses, DR15/epic and DR5/--, Godly Realm (300' radius), Grant Spells, Immortal, Salient Divine Abilities, Spell-like Abilities, SR35, Teleport Without Error, add Divine Rank to all saving throws, skill, and ability checks (included in stats); Does not automatically fail on a natural roll of "1"

Class Abilities: - -

Special Qualities: Divine Qualities 

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Ignan and Terran; can speak, understand, and read any language (including nonverbal ones) and speak directly to any being within 3 miles of himself or any of his remote sensing locations. 

Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (Slam), Improved Natural Attack, (Slam), Improved Sunder, Power Attack

  • Automatic Actions: Val-Kur can use any skill that directly involves his portfolio (Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Destruction), even those he has no ranks in, as a free action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower.  He can perform up to two such free actions each round.
  • Create Magic Items: As a deity of fire, earth, and destruction, Val-Kur can create any magical items related to his portfolio (without any requisite item creation feats) as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 4,500 gp
  • Divine Aura: Val-Kur's mere presence can affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank within 30', who might find the experience either uplifting or unsettling (DC13 negates) for 24 hours.  He can choose from the following effects as a free action (Daze, Fright, or Resolve).  This is a mind-affecting, extraordinary ability.
  • Divine Immunities: Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Acid, Cold, Death effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning, Transmutation.
  • Divine Senses: Val-Kur can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of three miles. As a standard action, he can perceive anything within three miles of his worshipers, holy sites, objects or any location where his name has been spoken in the last hour.  He can extend her senses to two locations at once.  He can block the sensing power of deities of his rank to two locations at once for up to an hour.
  • Domain Powers: 3/day – Smite (+4 hit/+2 damage), Turn/Rebuke Air or Water Creatures or Bolster Earth or Fire Creatures
  • Earth Mastery (Ex): Val-Kur gains a +1 bonus to hit/damage if both he and his opponent are touching the ground.  If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, he takes a -4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.
  • Godly Realm: Val-Kur has a godly realm that serves as a workplace, personal residence, or audience chamber.  Within 300' of himself on the Material Plane he can set any temperature that is normal for the Plane where it is located, and fill the area with scents and sounds as he sees fit.  He can erect buildings but this must be done through his own labor, magic or other divine powers.
  • Grant Spells: Val-Kur automatically grants spells and domain powers to mortal who pray to him.  He can grant spells from the Cleric spell list, and the Destruction, Earth, and Fire domains.
  • Elemental Traits: Darkvision, Immunity to Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, and Stunning; Not Subject to Critical Hits or Flanking, Does not have a dual nature (its body and soul are one - when slain, Raise Dead, Resurrection, and Reincarnate have no effect, Limited Wish, Miracle, or Wish are required to restore an elemental to life)
  • Immortal: Val-Kur is immortal and cannot die from natural causes.  He has no need to eat, breathe or sleep.
  • Portfolio Sense: Val-Kur automatically senses any event that has to do with Destruction, Earth, or Fire as long as it affects 1,000 people or more.
  • Push (Ex): Val-Kur can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The modifiers in Earth Mastery above apply to this ability.
  • Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Call Creatures (up to 3 Small Magma Paraelementals), Divine Earth Mastery, Power of Nature
  • Spell-like Abilities: (CL13, DC13 + spell level) at will – Burning Hands, Inflict Light Wounds, Shatter, Contagion, Disintegrate, Earthquake, Elemental Swarm (cast as an Earth or Fire spell only), Fire Seeds, Fire Shield, Fire Storm, Harm, Implosion, Incendiary Cloud, Inflict Critical Wounds, Iron Body, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Magic Stone, Produce Flame, Resist Energy (cold or fire only), Soften Earth and Stone, Spike Stones, Stoneskin, Stone Shape, Teleport Without Error, Wall of Fire, Wall of Stone
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