Mari Lwyd - the Rhyming Skeletal Horse of the Christmas Season

Mari Lwyd

CR: 1     Large Fey     HD: 3d6+6     Hp: 18
Init: +6     Spd: 60'
AC: 13 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural), ff: 11, t: 11
Attack: (BAB +1; Grap +7); +2 Bite: 2d6+2
SA: - -
SQ: DR5/Cold Iron, Immunity to Cold; Inviolate Sanctuary,  Low-Light Vision
Align: CN      Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4
Str: 14, Dex: 15, Con: 14, Int : 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
Skills: Read/Write and Speak Sylvan and the dominant language of the region they live in; Appraise +6 (additional +2 w/ food and drink); Craft (Brewing) +6; Craft (Cooking) +6; Intimidate +8; Knowledge (Local) +6; Perform (Singing) +8
Feats: Great Fortitude; Run
Environment: Always in a settlement
Organization: Solitary

A white-cloaked figure with the face of a skeletal horse standing outside the front door. It sings insulting rhymes, demanding to be let inside. The lady of the house sings back, also in rhyme, refusing entry. 

Despite their appearance, the Mari Lwyd are not undead. They most commonly appear as a cloaked figure with the skeletal head of a horse, going door to door where they request entry through song. Those within are able to keep them at bay with a song of their own. This contest goes back and forth until one side or the other relents. The Mari Lwyd always seem to know which homes have the best libations and will target those houses first. They are known to be masterful chefs and brewers and mortals may seek them out to learn special recipes. The beast is not particularly sturdy, being defeated fairly easily in combat but killing one can draw the ire of other faeries, resulting in greater problems later on.

Inviolate Sanctuary (Su): A Mari Lwyd may not enter a home unless it bests an occupying resident in an Opposed Perform check. If the resident loses, the Mari Lwyd may enter where it will eat and drink until content. If the Mari Lwyd loses three consecutive checks, it leaves and moves on to the next house. 

AD&D stats 

Climate/Terrain: Any urban
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Night, especially between Christmas and Twelveth Day
Diet: Omnivore, prefers alcohol and sweets
Intelligence: Average (10)
No. Appearing: 1
Movement: 24
Hit Dice: 2
THAC0: 19
No. of Attacks: 1
Dmg/Att: 1d8 (bite)
SA: Nil
SD: Immune to Cold, Cold Iron or better weapons to hit
MR: Nil
SZ: L (7' tall)
Morale: Average
Xp Value: 65

The Mari Lwyd should be treated as if it has the Brewing, Cooking, and Singing Nonweapon Proficiencies (with a score of 10 in each).


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