Day Five of the Odinsleep (Act of Aggression)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; 12 pm (12:05)

At the tower roof, Shadow floats cautiously. He moves forward to the gazebo, taking in all of the details that he can. The lounge chairs are elegant and finely carved with geometric patterns and knots. The cushions are plush, embroidered with fine golden and silver thread in a similar manner. There is a crank on one of the pillars supporting the gazebo roof. It is attached to a panel above via a steel cord. A spring is mounted on the panel as well, with the other end hooked to the same pillar. It appears that turning the crank would open the panel, exposing the sky above while turning it in the other end would allow it to close with the aid of the spring.

The dark elf floats over to the hatch with the pull ring, pulls out his picks and probes and begins exploring the edges of the opening, searching for traps.

Ra'ziir finds himself floating outside of one the fourth floor windows and peers inside. The half-elemental elf sees a well-appointed bedchamber with a canopied bed against the near wall, a pair of shelves against the far wall, just beyond a ladder that leads up to a hatch in the roof and, most glaringly, a magical circle of some sort carved into the floor. He eases the window open and floats inside, looking around for any inhabitants. That voice he heard did say it was going to their chambers after all but there is no sign of occupancy except for the glittering circle.

Drax and Niklas reach a window on the wall to the left of Ra'ziir's position. The assassin looks inside, signaling for the ranger to hold his place while he surveys the room.

Grotto chants a quick prayer to Hanseath, invoking the power of flight and begins to rise while Kysek orders Bubo to continue upwards, allows his cloak to match its color to the plastered wall, and then wills his boots to carry him into the air.

Cedron floats upward beside dwarf and elf with the power of the Witching Cloak and gazes in through the second floor window. His magically enhanced vision reveals things as they truly, stripping away any illusions that might be present and he finds himself face to face with a Svartaelf, one that is half pitch blank and half corpse-white. The creature is dressed in a mixture of black and red clothing and his a wide, mad grin upon his face as he punches a fist through the leaded glass to grab at the minstrel's collar and hauls him enough.

A cultured voice, roughed by anger shouts at him, “ENOUGH SNEAKING ABOUT! The master has know for months that you were coming, that you would arrive this very day, and that you would try to invade his home. We tried to make it as easy as possible for you, posting inept guards, leaving the wards down and the doors unlocked! We practically INVITED you inside and yet you continue to waste my time! I will dispatch the lot of you if I have to hunt you down one by one!”

Raven grasps his rope with both hands and pulls hard, hauling himself upwards about a foot before the embedded arrow snaps off at the head, dropping him to the ground. He scowls upwards, cursing the rope, broken arrows, and the tower itself just in time to see Cedron dragged inside. He snarls, digs out Nightwatcher and slices a gash into the plaster, creating a handhold in the wall.

= = = = = =

Bubo (Owl): 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining),

• Cedron (Bard/Cleric): 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining),
True Seeing (11 minutes, 8 rounds remaining),
• Drax (Rogue/Assassin): 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am);
• Grotto (Cleric/Fighter): 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining),
Protection from Evil (8 minutes, 7 rounds), Fly (9 minutes, 0 rounds remaining)
Kysek (Rogue/Wizard): 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read, Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Niklas (Ranger/Rogue): 100% health;
• Raven (FIghter/Ranger): 94% health; Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir (Bladesinger): 100% health; Find the Path (119 minutes, 1 rounds remaining), Greater Invisibility (14 rounds remaining), Fly (16 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
Shadow (Rogue/Wizard): 97% health; Fly (15 min, 5 rounds remaining), Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)
• Spewer (Spitting Crawler): 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 7 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 6 rounds)


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