Day Five of the Odinsleep (Opening Exchange)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; (12:06 pm)

Shadow focuses his arcane sight upon the trap door, extending his senses into the realm unseen as he searches for mystic wards or spells of guarding meant to repel intruders. His focus is complete and, to his...surprise... disappointment... he finds none. He begins to pour over the puzzle of what seems to be a completely under-protected tower when Spewer, his familiar begins tapping his shoulder, drawing his attention to what is going on below.

With the mental message from Raven, Ra'ziir abandons all thoughts of the magic circle and instead, focuses the spell of seeking on Cedron himself. He flies out of the window and dives, uttering a quick “Lapidum”, granting his flesh the consistency of stone. He reaches the second floor window as Kysek slips his crossbow back into the folds of his cloak. The bladesinger sees Cedron held aloft in one hand by the very black-and-white Svartaelf he saw building the golem, this time surrounded by swirling rocks and hailstones. Ra'ziir, his own arcane sight still active, turns his attention to the defensive spell, trying to determine what it is and how to counter it but registers only that it is comprised of energy commonly associated with Abjuration spells.

Niklas sees Ra'ziir fly out of the window and down to the second floor so he and Drax reverse course, climbing back down the side of the tower. The assassin whispers “تسلق العنكبوتas he descends and, when he reaches the window, slips inside, clinging to the ceiling like a spider. Drax presses flat against the overhead, concentrating on keeping his movements smooth and subtle to avoid drawing attention to himself as he closes in on the enemy.

At the window, Niklas pauses, one foot on the windowsill and other on the barest of irregularities in the plaster, lets go with one hand and reaches over his shoulder to pull out his bow and an arrow. He slips the shaft onto the arrow rest and prepares to enter the room.

Grotto orders his shield to float in front of him as he readies his axe and flies full tilt at the Svartaelf. The scarred warrior attempts to slip past the whirling hailstones but the ice and rocks knock him off course and send him crashing into a wall.

Kysek twists his Ring of Gyges, vanishing from sight with the power of the enchanted gold band. He draws both of his swords and begins kicking his feet, pushing himself forward through the air like a swimmer in water. He reaches the tower and squeezes past Niklas to haul himself inside where he ends the levitation enchantment.

Cedron struggles in the Svartaelf's grasp, beating at the black-and-white creature's wrist with his fists, “You arrogant thumb-biter! The only reason you survived a fight with Odinson was because he didn't think you were worth effort!” He calls upon Malazzarr to grant him the stamina he will need to survive this battle. The God of Progress responds and vigor fills the bard-priest's heart, uplifting his spirit and banishing the fatigue of the day's earlier battles.

Not worth killing?” The Svartaelf seems confused by Cedron's declaration. “But I am Malekith the Accursed, Lord of the Wild Hunt, and Ruler of the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim!” Malekith shifts to one side and extends his right hand. “You are mighty mortal but let us see how what happens when I do this!” The two-toned enemy shoutsᚲᚺᚨᛁᚾ ᛚᛁᚷᚺᛏᚾᛁᛜ !”. Lightning pours forth in a torrent, striking Cedron in the chest before splitting off to fire lesser bolts at Niklas, Grotto, and Ra'ziir. The Witching Cloak flares out, partially enveloping Cedron in its protective folds, blunting the attack. The blast slams Grotto back into the wall, causing chunks of plaster to rain down on his head and nearly knocks Nik from his perch.

Raven pauses at the corner of the tower and wills the power of strength to flow from his cold-iron, giant-slaying blade. Arcane energy swirls up through his body, empowering his muscles with the power of a bull. He takes a deep breath and steps out, casting his gaze upon the grizzled Jotun lazily guarding the door and his world goes red.

= = = = = =

  • Bubo: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining),
  • Cedron: 112% health; Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), True Seeing (11 minutes, 6 rounds remaining), Bear's Endurance (11 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
  • Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); Spider Climb  (99 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
  • Grotto: 76% health; Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Protection from Evil (8 minutes, 5 rounds), Fly (8 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
  • Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read, Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)
  • Niklas: 76% health; 
  • Raven: 94% health; Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Bull's Strength (14 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
  • Ra’ziir: 100% health; Find the Path (118 minutes, 9 rounds remaining), Greater Invisibility (12 rounds remaining), Fly (16 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Stoneskin (150 hp/169 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
  • Shadow: 97% health; Fly (15 min, 3 rounds remaining), Bless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 4 rounds remaining)
  • Spewer: 100% healthBless (12 minutes, 5 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 4 rounds remaining)


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