
Showing posts from March, 2025

Odds & Ends (Part 4)

A collection of bits and pieces of things I've had bouncing around in my "to-do" pile... Clown Template  I had originally planned on making Ronald McDonald into an NPC (i am not really satisfied how Grimace turned out but I do still like my take on McDonaldland) like I have done with other mascot characters but, about ten minutes in, completely lost interest and started working on something else. The notes for this template have been sitting in my phone ever since. Clown is an Acquired Template that can be added to any Humanoid, Fey, or Outsider, referred to hereafter as the base creature. The base creature type is unchanged but gains the following: Special Attacks: Frightful Presence, Natural Enemy Special Qualities: Clown Magic, Malleable Form Skills: Clowns gain a +2 racial bonus to Balance, Perform (Buffonery), and Tumble checks. Evil-aligned Clowns also gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks. • Clown Magic (Sp): At will - Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation,...

Kurinost - A Kender Appears

17 Hiddumont 348 AC Upon entering the city, Grotto marvels at the exquisite stone work. He looks at the guard and says, "We are not looking for trouble, but the stone work in the city is marvelous. You must have some fine Dwarven craftsmen making the lovely building!" Grotto is hopeful that there is another dwarf in town. The dwarf's comments draw looks of disdain from elves close enough to hear his words but none make any reply. Shadow moves to the head of the party and addresses the watchnen, “My companions and I are going fishing. Could you please recommend a good guide service?” “Fishing indeed!” Cedron joins in with Shadow. “Fishing and maybe hot meal followed closely by a warm bath.” Ornforithalas joins Shadow and Cedron. The young guardsman snaps to attention. "You heard them. We need a ship and you are about to give us directions to one for hire." Ra’ziir folds his hands into the deep sleeves of his black robes. From the shadows of the hood, violet ...

Realm of the Sugar Plum Fairy

The Sugar Plum Lodge is located at the heart of a Grove of Gingerbread Plum Trees on the Plane of Faerie. The forest is haunted by a hulking green-furred giant known as Plumpy the Plumpa Troll. Plumpy is the Guardian of the Grove and owes no allegiance to the Sugar Plum Fairy. His relationship with Queen Marie was contentious at best so he waits to what type of ruler her successor is before trying to establish a relationship with him. Plumpy the Plumpa Troll , Guardian of the Grove: male Plumpa Troll CR: 5     Large Fey     HD: 4d6+8 (23 hp) Init: -1     Spd: 40'     AC: 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +8 Natural), t: 8, ff: 16 Attacks: (BAB +2; Grap +11); +5 2 Slams: 1d6+5 (20/×2) and +3 Horns: 1d8+2 SA: Scatter Defilers, Spell-like Abilities SQ: DR10/cold iron, Fey Traits, Low-Light Vision, Resist Cold 10 Align: N     Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 Str: 21, Dex: 8, Con: 15, In...

Raven and the River King - A Summary

This adventure is adapted from the 5e module " Wrath of the River King ". It has been adjusted to fit the continuity of the ongoing campaign and for level. The whole adventure came about because I read " The Wild Beyond the Witchlight ," thought it was cool, and wanted to run it. The beginning of that adventure involves the characters wandering around, playing sideshow games, and helping some carnival workers. At the end of the first part of the module, one of them is crowned the Witchlight Monarch. From there, it was easy to imagine, that character being invited to a party at the Sugar Plum Fairy's castle and getting dragged into that adventure .  15 - 16  Hiddumont 348 AC While hiking toward the Bay of Balifor, Raven was transported via fairy ring to  the Hamlet of Riverbend. He found himself drawn into an investigation regarding the disappearance of the local miller's pregnant wife, Ellessandra. The miller, Froderick, was suspected of killing her. After ...

The Road to Balifor Bay (Part 3)

•  15 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR) Ornforithalas immediately levels his spear and begins looking around for threats. He orders his men to fan out and begin searching for whatever or whoever caused Raven to vanish. Knives draws his blades and prepares  for a battle. He follows the lead of his companions and yells "If you are simply protecting your territory we only wish passage through, we only wish violence if your intentions are to harm this land or those who live peaceful lives within it." Cedron stands back in close observation. He scours his memories for experiences, stories, or a mere hint of what may lay before them. The circle, the mushrooms, and the surrounding forest are compared to his tapestry of bardic lore. Through their mental link Ra’ziir asks “Raven, what is it?” as he draws his obsidian blade. The Bladesinger hears nothing but static where Raven is supposed to be. Ra’ziir scans the fairy ring with his Arcane Sight while telling the others “I’ve lost my mental l...