Odds & Ends (Part 4)
A collection of bits and pieces of things I've had bouncing around in my "to-do" pile...
Clown Template
I had originally planned on making Ronald McDonald into an NPC (i am not really satisfied how Grimace turned out but I do still like my take on McDonaldland) like I have done with other mascot characters but, about ten minutes in, completely lost interest and started working on something else. The notes for this template have been sitting in my phone ever since.
Clown is an Acquired Template that can be added to any Humanoid, Fey, or Outsider, referred to hereafter as the base creature.
Special Attacks: Frightful Presence, Natural Enemy
Special Qualities: Clown Magic, Malleable Form
Skills: Clowns gain a +2 racial bonus to Balance, Perform (Buffonery), and Tumble checks. Evil-aligned Clowns also gain a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks.
• Clown Magic (Sp): At will - Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, as a Sorcerer of equal level
• Frightful Presence (Ex): Evil-aligned clowns instill fear inthose within 30' who observe them. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than the creature has. An affected opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ frightful creature’s racial HD + frightful creature’s Cha modifier). A character that fails their saving throw is Shaken for 5d6 rounds. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours.
• Malleable Anatomy (Ex): Clowns can alter their physical features, including facial features, and expand or shrink in total size by 10%. They can stretch their limbs in a similar manner. They will often compress their bodies to allow more of them to fit into tight and cramped spaces.
• Natural Enemy (Ex): Clowns and Mimes are the antithesis of each other. If they should cross paths, whichever one gains Initiative receives a +2 morale bonus to all attacks, Skill checks, and saving throws for the duration of the encounter.
The Devil's Herd
The Devil's Herd (From "Ghost Riders in the Sky") - a Weird West encounter
Many cultures have myths involving spectral animals and hunters riding across the sky ranging from the Wild Hunt to Japan's Night Parade of One Hundred Demons to the Ghost Riders in the Sky.
Many cultures have myths involving spectral animals and hunters riding across the sky ranging from the Wild Hunt to Japan's Night Parade of One Hundred Demons to the Ghost Riders in the Sky.
The encounter should play out as told in the song. The party is somewhere out in the Old West when they encounter the eponymous Riders.
When mortals catch sight of this "Devil's Herd", they must a Will save (DC15) or be compelled to join the ghostly wranglers. Evil-aligned characters suffer a -2 penalty to this save. A Protection from Evil or Magic Circle Against Evil shields viewers from this effect.
Sobrietas - Greek Goddess of Temperance and Sobriety
Sobrietas is one of the many half-siblings of the Greek god, Dionysus. However, she is the only one of them who actively hates her brother. Her main goal is to diminish his power and influence over the earthly realm by destroying or outlawing all mind-altering substances on the planet.
She has attempted this several times, most notably with the American "War on Drugs," bans on smoking in public venues, and the successful passage of Prohibition in the 1920s. Her primary means of achieving her goals are through persausive public speaking and political lobbying. She does not present much of a physical threat to most high-level adventurers in direct combat, preferring to confront them with her underlings.
She has attempted this several times, most notably with the American "War on Drugs," bans on smoking in public venues, and the successful passage of Prohibition in the 1920s. Her primary means of achieving her goals are through persausive public speaking and political lobbying. She does not present much of a physical threat to most high-level adventurers in direct combat, preferring to confront them with her underlings.
Note: Sobrietas is adapted from the Ghostbusters RPG adventure "How Dry I Am".
Sobrietas: Outsider female Aristocrat 6/Orator¹ 10
Divine Rank: 1
Portfolio: Greek Communities, Prudence, Sobriety and Temperance
CR: 1 Medium Outsider (Demigod) HD: 6d8+12 plus 10d6+20 (140 Hp)
Init: +2 Spd: 60' AC: 31 (+2 Dex, +1 Divine, +4 deflection, Purple Silk Toga, Lightning Resistance Bronze Shield +5), ff: 29, t: 17 -0 ACP
Attacks: (BAB +9; Grap +10); +15/+10 Teetotaler: 1d4+5 (19-20/×2, 10')
SA: Captive Audience, Oratory (Inspire Complacency, Inspire Trust, Inspire Anger, Inspire Courage, Insinuate, Inspire Greatness), Arcane Spells (CL10, DC14 + spell level; 3/3/3/2), Mass Appeal
SQ: Assess Audience, Divine Qualities, DR10/Epic, Fire Resistance 21, Glib, Outsider Traits, Resist Persuasion +3, SR33
Align: LN Saves²: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +18
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 16, Wis: 20, Cha: 18
Skills³: Bluff +26, Diplomacy +32, Disguise (+6 to act in character); Gather Information +5; Intimidate +20, Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility) +18; Knowledge (Law) +18; Knowledge (the Planes) +7; Listen +12; Perform (Oratory) +24; Sense Motive +24; Sleight of Hand +4; Spot +12
Feats: Distinctive; Dodge; Leadership; Mobility; Noble (b); Persuasive; Smooth Talker
Gear: Purple Silk Toga (treat as Hide Armor +5 with no armor check penalty or chance of arcane spell failure), Silver Laurel Wreath of Foresight (cast Foresight 1/day, CL20), Teetotaler (Dagger +5) Ring of Magic Missile (3/day, CL20, the missiles are shaped like tiny daggers), Sandals, Lightning Resistance Bronze Shield +5,
¹ The Orator Prestige Class as presented in Mythic Vistas "Eternal Rome"
²A Natural roll of "1" is not an automatic failure.
³ Gains a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based skills made against commoners
Appearance: Sobrietas appears as an elderly crone draped in purple robes. A silver laurel is wrapped around her head. She also has a cross on a chain around her neck.
• Divine Qualities: Divine Portfolio; DR15/epic; Fire Resistance 21; Grant Spells; SR33, Teleport Without Error (at will, CL20); add Divine Rank to all saving throws (included above), Skill, Ability, Saving Throws and Caster Level checks; Does not Automatically fail on a natural roll of “1”
• Automatic Actions: Sobrietas can use any skill that directly involves her portfolio, even those she has no ranks in, as a free action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. She can perform up to two such free actions each round.
• Communication: Sobrietas can read, write, and speak any language, even nonverbal ones. She can speak directly to any being within one mile of herself.
• Create Magic Items: As a deity of law and wisdom, Sobrietas can create any magical items related to her portfolio (without any requisite item creation feats) as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 4,500 gp
• Divine Aura: Sobrietas' mere presence can affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank within 10', who might find the experience either uplifting or unsettling (DC15 negates) for 24 hours. She can choose from the following effects as a free action (Daze, Fright, or Resolve). This is a mind-affecting, extraordinary ability.
• Divine Immunities: Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Acid, Cold, Death effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning, and Transmutation
• Divine Senses: Sobrietas can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of one mile. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within one miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects or any location where her name has been spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to two locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank to two locations at once for up to an hour.
• Domain Powers: (1/day); Calm Emotions, gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks; Inspire Allies (Grant allies a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls, Ability checks, and Skill checks for 4 rounds if they hear her speak for 1 round)
• Godly Realm: Sobrietas has a godly realm that serves as a workplace, personal residence, or audience chamber. Within 100' of herself, she can set any temperature that is normal for the Plane where it is located, and fill the area with scents and sounds as she sees fit. She has control over links to the Astral Plane, thus enabling or disabling teleportation and similar effects within the realm. She can erect buildings but this must be done through her own labor, magic or other divine powers.
• Grant Spells: Sobrietas automatically grants spells and domain powers to mortal who pray to her. She can grant spells from the Cleric spell lists and the Community and Nobility domains.
• Immortal: Sobrietas is immortal and cannot die from natural causes. She has no need to eat, breathe or sleep and does not age.
• Orator Spells Known: 1st: Daze, Hypnotism, Sleep; 2nd: Hideous Laughter, Hold Person, Touch of Idiocy; 3rd: Heroism, Rage, Suggestion; 4th: Charm Monster, Crushing Despair
• Portfolio Sense: Sobrietas can sense any event involving sobriety or Greek communities that involves 1,000 or more people.
• Salient Divine Abilities: Neutralize Alcohol: Sobrietas can neutralize alcohol by touch, whether it be in a container (can, bottle, keg, barrel) or a person. While this will cause an intoxicated person to become sober, it does not prevent them from being hungover.
• Spell-like Abilities: (CL11, DC15 + spell level) at will – Bless, Demand, Discern Lies, Divine Favor, Enthrall, Geas/Quest, Greater Command, Heroes' Feast, Magic Vestment, Mass Heal, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Prayer, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Refuge, Repulsion, Status, Storm of Vengeance, Tongues
Sobrietas: Outsider female Aristocrat 6/Orator¹ 10
Divine Rank: 1
Portfolio: Greek Communities, Prudence, Sobriety and Temperance
CR: 1 Medium Outsider (Demigod) HD: 6d8+12 plus 10d6+20 (140 Hp)
Init: +2 Spd: 60' AC: 31 (+2 Dex, +1 Divine, +4 deflection, Purple Silk Toga, Lightning Resistance Bronze Shield +5), ff: 29, t: 17 -0 ACP
Attacks: (BAB +9; Grap +10); +15/+10 Teetotaler: 1d4+5 (19-20/×2, 10')
SA: Captive Audience, Oratory (Inspire Complacency, Inspire Trust, Inspire Anger, Inspire Courage, Insinuate, Inspire Greatness), Arcane Spells (CL10, DC14 + spell level; 3/3/3/2), Mass Appeal
SQ: Assess Audience, Divine Qualities, DR10/Epic, Fire Resistance 21, Glib, Outsider Traits, Resist Persuasion +3, SR33
Align: LN Saves²: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +18
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 16, Wis: 20, Cha: 18
Skills³: Bluff +26, Diplomacy +32, Disguise (+6 to act in character); Gather Information +5; Intimidate +20, Knowledge (Royalty and Nobility) +18; Knowledge (Law) +18; Knowledge (the Planes) +7; Listen +12; Perform (Oratory) +24; Sense Motive +24; Sleight of Hand +4; Spot +12
Feats: Distinctive; Dodge; Leadership; Mobility; Noble (b); Persuasive; Smooth Talker
Gear: Purple Silk Toga (treat as Hide Armor +5 with no armor check penalty or chance of arcane spell failure), Silver Laurel Wreath of Foresight (cast Foresight 1/day, CL20), Teetotaler (Dagger +5) Ring of Magic Missile (3/day, CL20, the missiles are shaped like tiny daggers), Sandals, Lightning Resistance Bronze Shield +5,
¹ The Orator Prestige Class as presented in Mythic Vistas "Eternal Rome"
²A Natural roll of "1" is not an automatic failure.
³ Gains a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based skills made against commoners
Appearance: Sobrietas appears as an elderly crone draped in purple robes. A silver laurel is wrapped around her head. She also has a cross on a chain around her neck.
• Divine Qualities: Divine Portfolio; DR15/epic; Fire Resistance 21; Grant Spells; SR33, Teleport Without Error (at will, CL20); add Divine Rank to all saving throws (included above), Skill, Ability, Saving Throws and Caster Level checks; Does not Automatically fail on a natural roll of “1”
• Automatic Actions: Sobrietas can use any skill that directly involves her portfolio, even those she has no ranks in, as a free action if the DC for the task is 15 or lower. She can perform up to two such free actions each round.
• Communication: Sobrietas can read, write, and speak any language, even nonverbal ones. She can speak directly to any being within one mile of herself.
• Create Magic Items: As a deity of law and wisdom, Sobrietas can create any magical items related to her portfolio (without any requisite item creation feats) as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 4,500 gp
• Divine Aura: Sobrietas' mere presence can affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank within 10', who might find the experience either uplifting or unsettling (DC15 negates) for 24 hours. She can choose from the following effects as a free action (Daze, Fright, or Resolve). This is a mind-affecting, extraordinary ability.
• Divine Immunities: Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Acid, Cold, Death effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning, and Transmutation
• Divine Senses: Sobrietas can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of one mile. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within one miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects or any location where her name has been spoken in the last hour. She can extend her senses to two locations at once. She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank to two locations at once for up to an hour.
• Domain Powers: (1/day); Calm Emotions, gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy checks; Inspire Allies (Grant allies a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls, Ability checks, and Skill checks for 4 rounds if they hear her speak for 1 round)
• Godly Realm: Sobrietas has a godly realm that serves as a workplace, personal residence, or audience chamber. Within 100' of herself, she can set any temperature that is normal for the Plane where it is located, and fill the area with scents and sounds as she sees fit. She has control over links to the Astral Plane, thus enabling or disabling teleportation and similar effects within the realm. She can erect buildings but this must be done through her own labor, magic or other divine powers.
• Grant Spells: Sobrietas automatically grants spells and domain powers to mortal who pray to her. She can grant spells from the Cleric spell lists and the Community and Nobility domains.
• Immortal: Sobrietas is immortal and cannot die from natural causes. She has no need to eat, breathe or sleep and does not age.
• Orator Spells Known: 1st: Daze, Hypnotism, Sleep; 2nd: Hideous Laughter, Hold Person, Touch of Idiocy; 3rd: Heroism, Rage, Suggestion; 4th: Charm Monster, Crushing Despair
• Portfolio Sense: Sobrietas can sense any event involving sobriety or Greek communities that involves 1,000 or more people.
• Salient Divine Abilities: Neutralize Alcohol: Sobrietas can neutralize alcohol by touch, whether it be in a container (can, bottle, keg, barrel) or a person. While this will cause an intoxicated person to become sober, it does not prevent them from being hungover.
• Spell-like Abilities: (CL11, DC15 + spell level) at will – Bless, Demand, Discern Lies, Divine Favor, Enthrall, Geas/Quest, Greater Command, Heroes' Feast, Magic Vestment, Mass Heal, Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Prayer, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Refuge, Repulsion, Status, Storm of Vengeance, Tongues
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