Realm of the Sugar Plum Fairy
The Sugar Plum Lodge is located at the heart of a Grove of Gingerbread Plum Trees on the Plane of Faerie. The forest is haunted by a hulking green-furred giant known as Plumpy the Plumpa Troll. Plumpy is the Guardian of the Grove and owes no allegiance to the Sugar Plum Fairy. His relationship with Queen Marie was contentious at best so he waits to what type of ruler her successor is before trying to establish a relationship with him.
CR: 5 Large Fey HD: 4d6+8 (23 hp)
Init: -1 Spd: 40' AC: 16 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +8 Natural), t: 8, ff: 16
Attacks: (BAB +2; Grap +11); +5 2 Slams: 1d6+5 (20/×2) and +3 Horns: 1d8+2
SA: Scatter Defilers, Spell-like Abilities
SQ: DR10/cold iron, Fey Traits, Low-Light Vision, Resist Cold 10
Align: N Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
Str: 21, Dex: 8, Con: 15, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 8
Skills: Read/Write and Speak Common, Elven, and Sylvan; Hide +3 (additional +4 in forests), Intimidate +6, Listen +10, Move Silently +6, Search +8, Spot +10, Survival +9
Feats: Alertness, Multiattack
Advancement: Large (5-8 HD), Huge (9-12 HD)
Environment: The Grove of the Gingerbread Plum Trees
Organization: Solitary (there are rumors that Plumpy is the last of his kind)
• Resist Cold (Ex): Plumpy's thick fur protects him from cold-based attacks.
• Scatter Defilers (Su): Once per day a Plumpa Troll can target its enemies with a teleportation effect, which causes them to be transported 10d10x10 feet in a random direction (Will DC 13 negates). Targets that fail their saves arrive safely in the closest open space to the destination (including shifting up or down if necessary) if a solid body occupies that location. This ability affects a number of enemies equal to the Plumpa Troll's Hit Dice, and all targets must be within a 30-foot burst centered on Plumpy. The transported targets cannot take any actions until their next turn.
• Spell-like Abilities: Caster Level equal to HD; at will - Entangle (DC13), Speak with Plants, Tree Shape; 1/day - Tree Stride, Wall of Thorns; save DCs are Intelligence-based
The realm itself is highly morphic with it transforming to reflect the taste and attitude of the Sugar Plum Fairy. For Marie, this was an opulent palace that served as a haven for political corruption and debauchery whereas for Raven it is a simple gingerbread hunting lodge. Various nobles hold positions of authority throughout the land but their power waxes and wanes in accordance with the Sugar Plum mantle holder. These nobles include King Candy, Queen Frostine, Princess Lolly, and Lord Licorice. The commoners of the land are compromised of candyfolk, be they talking Butterscotch Disks, Gingerbread Men, Toffees, Lollipops, Gum Drops, and so on.
Several locations border the Gingerbread Plum Grove. These include the Chocolate Mountain, Gumdrop Mountains, Lemon Lime Springs, Molasses Swamp, Peppermint Forest, and Licorice Lagoon. The Lagoon eventually gives way to a trackless ocean. Somewhere out on that ocean are the Lands of Silverplate.
The Sugar Plum Fairy is a Summer (Seelie) Fey who resides in the Winter (Unseelie) Court as an emissary representing Summer's interests. More importantly, the Sugar Plum Fairy is also the primary messenger between the Seelie Court and the divine realm of Lliira, Goddess of Joy in the Faerûnian pantheon.
While they are considered the "Queen" of the Land of Sweets, in practice they are only the equivalent of a baron or knight. As such, if a mortal were to strike a bargain with them, they could offer up to 5,000 gp worth of art objects or gold, a minor to medium magical item, loyal service (of themselves) for one cycle of the moon, or the service of one of their pages for up to 1,001 nights. The Sugar Plum Fairy has a small contingent of servants granted to them by Titiania but they are allowed to "hire" additional servants using their own resources.
While they are considered the "Queen" of the Land of Sweets, in practice they are only the equivalent of a baron or knight. As such, if a mortal were to strike a bargain with them, they could offer up to 5,000 gp worth of art objects or gold, a minor to medium magical item, loyal service (of themselves) for one cycle of the moon, or the service of one of their pages for up to 1,001 nights. The Sugar Plum Fairy has a small contingent of servants granted to them by Titiania but they are allowed to "hire" additional servants using their own resources.
Mantles, in the Realm of Faerie, are essentially Templates that can be added to any Fey, Humanoid, or Monstrous Humanoid. Each confers some measure of power, responsibility, and authority. If a being is known by its title (e.g. Sugar Plum Fairy, River King, Lord/Lady of Crawling Fey, the Redcap), they carry a mantle. If they are known primarily by their name (e.g. Oberon, Jenny Greenteeth, Robin Goodfellow, Peg Powler) they do not.
A creature who becomes the Sugar Plum Fairy gains the following abilities:
• Sugar Plum Fairy Abilities (Sp): CL20, DC14 + spell level; at will: Create Food and Water*, Disguise Self, Plane Shift (only to the Sugar Plum Court and back to the Prime Material Plane)**; 3/day: Ghost Sound, Silent Image, 1/day: Goodberry*
• All food created with these abilities are in the form of confections
• • The Sugar Plum Court is in a grove of Gingerbread Plum Trees. Its appearance changes to match the current mantle holder's personality. For Marie and her father, the court appeared as a large castle. For Raven, it looks like a hunting lodge. When using Plane Shift, they can travel directly to the court and return to the point they traveled from.
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