The Road to Balifor Bay (Part 3)

• 15 Hiddumont 348 AC (1351 DR)

Ornforithalas immediately levels his spear and begins looking around for threats. He orders his men to fan out and begin searching for whatever or whoever caused Raven to vanish.

Knives draws his blades and prepares  for a battle. He follows the lead of his companions and yells "If you are simply protecting your territory we only wish passage through, we only wish violence if your intentions are to harm this land or those who live peaceful lives within it."

Cedron stands back in close observation. He scours his memories for experiences, stories, or a mere hint of what may lay before them. The circle, the mushrooms, and the surrounding forest are compared to his tapestry of bardic lore.

Through their mental link Ra’ziir asks “Raven, what is it?” as he draws his obsidian blade. The Bladesinger hears nothing but static where Raven is supposed to be.

Ra’ziir scans the fairy ring with his Arcane Sight while telling the others “I’ve lost my mental link with Raven.” Whatever spell was used has already faded, leaving only the faintest residue of conjuration magic behind.

Kysek sends Bubo into an expanding circle maneuver around our position to look for anything approaching within 150 yards or so. The gold elf’s hands rested firmly on the hilts of both swords. The thief scans the area thoroughly in all directions before investigating the circle of mushrooms left in Raven's place. The circle is three feet across and perfectly round.

Arthur draws his shield, his hand on the hilt of Lawbringer as he begins to scan the surroundings and joins Kysek in investigating the circle.

Everyone quickly comes to the conclusion that Raven either stepped into a Faerie Circle or had one appear beneath him and has been abducted to the Faerie Realm - a dimension populated by fey creatures - pixies, sprites, satyrs, hags, fomorian giants, and the Sidhe, a class of capricious and often cruel Faerie nobles who rule over the chaotic land. What nobody is able to answer is why they would want him.  Legends abound of those who were taken spend what to them seems like a few hours only to returns months or even years after disappearing.

Grotto rushes to the mushroom circle to see if he can identify the mushrooms. He gets down on his hands and knees besides the circle. Using his thumb to measure the cap, he discovers that they range from about ¾" to 2" across. Their center is an orange-y brown but the rim is pale white. The stems are mostly a pale yellow and sprouting from exposed bits of root at the base of the tree. He scratches his bearded chin, mulling over what he remembers about edible and poisonous mushrooms from his childhood and comes to the conclusion that these are either Conifer Tuft or Sulphur Tuft mushrooms. One is delicious and useful in cooking - the other is a deadly poison.

Ornforithalas listens as the more educated members of the group explain the properties and meaning of the Faerie Circle's appearance. He takes a deep breath before speaking, "I realize that Raven is your friend but he is just one warrior. How long are we going to wait for him to come back?"

Ra'ziir looks at the circle for a few moments and takes a step into it. Nothing happens. “Raven would want us to press on… we have no idea when he could return. If he comes back, the little black bird can follow our tracks.”

Ra’ziir nods to Ornithalas and continues along the path as before.

17 Hiddumont 348 AC

After two-and-one-half days of walking, Kurinost comes into view. Glittering crystal spires rise up above the city wall. Most of the town is situated on a low rise with the waterfront running along the Bay of Balifor. As the party passes through the unguarded city gate that faces the forest, they see shops and homes made of polished stone and accented with cut gemstones. Well tended trees and flowerbeds line the paved streets, and fountains sculpted into the shape of elven lovers send water from underground springs sparkling high into the sky.

They draw dozens of stares within the first ten seconds of being inside the city and within fifteen seconds, a patrol of city watchmen approach. All are clad in chainmail with blue and yellow livery and open-faced, plumed helmets. Cudgels hang from their belts. One of them, a fresh-faced youngster of perhaps eighty years steps forward and, in what is probably his best approximation of an authoritative voice, demands the group halt and state their business. 


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